Thursday, February 12, 2015

Interested in too many things too much? HERE HERE!

            Meet my obsession. I am super interested upon many things, some of which are learning the history of the human race, knowing how to build my own shed, learning new languages, being familiar with how electronics work, growing my own herb garden, playing the ukulele, understanding the Renaissance, earning the skill of drawing, learning how to write in Alibata, learning the art of woodworking, knowing how to write proper haiku, having read all possible books from great minds, learning Tai Chi, and even understanding the secrets of the cosmos.

            Disclaimer, I am not saying that I am a super knowledgeable person or that I am capable of knowing all this. What I am trying to tell you is that I JUST WANT TO KNOW. I believe that in order to fully appreciate life, we must fully engage to it. By engagement, I do not mean the fleeting cheap thrills of a night out or the waste-your-life-and-do-stupid-things way. Don’t get me wrong, I also fool around but for me there is more to life that just that. More than just living the ‘moment’. For me, life is a miracle. Life gives you the chance of knowing yourself and becoming the person you wish to be. Life is the chance of not merely existing but of living.

photo credits:

            For me, this undying interest of learning is my way of engaging to life. I believe that it is not just a great way to have a head start at life but more so it is an awesome way to love life. I confess, that the above quote from an author Anais Nin speaks to me as well. Maybe it is the truth about me too. Maybe I do have that fear because I have lived like that before and I want to grow out from it. Other reasons? Well isn’t learning enjoyable just for its sake too? I believe so.

        I have this beautiful statement from a scientist named Isaac Asimov, he said “However, I continue to try and I continue, indefatigably, to reach out. There’s no way I can single-handedly save the world or, perhaps, even make a perceptible difference – but how ashamed I would be to let a day pass without making one more effort.”

            What of this statement? Well because I understand that it’s not just enough to know and learn things. It is equally and even more important to use those knowledge and skills to do things and impart something for the progression of our lives and of the lives of others. Personally, I dream of being holistic and I like helping others out. I believe it helps when you know things because then, you can do things.

            I love sharing stories, insights, dreams, yearnings, curiosities and even advices. Before, I was in denial. I hated myself for being so straightlaced (but not narrow minded) and very serious in conversations. I thought that I bore people out and that they hated me for it. But what can I do? I love conversations not just small talks. As I matured, I have learned and realized that people will always have an opinion of you, so be you anyway. I stopped suppressing myself and instead I looked for like-minded people. I try to blend with others as well so that we reach a certain rapport but I always try and I always hope that ‘I’ am still represented.

            If you are like me who is very much eager to know a lot and learn a lot, I bet you also or more so want to do a lot. I’m not sure, maybe you just enjoy it for what it is too. That’s alright. I know you have many reasons as to why you love learning as well. I just hope that, that same passion may drive you into becoming someone better, not just for yourself but ultimately for others too.


  1. true! Knowing and Acting are sisters for it should always be together. Let us learn and impart this knowledge for it will help in the progression of our and other's lives. Be excited for what will be happening because life is not about maintenance but it is an adventure!

    1. Thanks James! Ditto. Some people may complain that life can be monotonous and redundant but I find it not to be entirely true. I think it's all about our perspective in how we deal with living. Keep the curiousity burning! Cheers!
