Thursday, February 5, 2015

Let's purrrsue our jam yow!


Veronica Melanio is a twenty year old graphic culture junkie. She is also an eager learner of anything and everything. She likes to discuss ideas even if it’s way beyond her. She hopes that someday she’ll drop her travel books and will trek all parts of this Earth to see the beauty of nature and the cultures first hand. She believes that curiosity, passion, and courage to explore and see the world are the main drives to become free spirited. She likes people talking nerdy to her. She may even claim that she is sapiosexual. She aspires to become holistic and highly skilled. Of course, she loves books, podcasts and fully realized people (into which she gets her inspirations from).

Veronica believes in what a very wise Greek dude named Socrates once said “The unexamined life is not worth living”. Truthfully, she is most critical of herself and is a very stubborn over-thinker. She tries to create a meaningful life not just for herself but as well as for the people around her. It is her personal high when she knows that she made someone happy. Every day, she fills her thoughts with optimism that life gets better and there will always be room for growth. Mistakes and hardships happen to her too, but she doesn’t let those things cloud her.

She also believes in what Jesus and Buddha tried to teach people before: “Love one another”. She knows that only love begets love. Given all her imperfections, treating other people with kindness and compassion is what she tries to do. Gratitude is her best friend because she knows that deep inside, people are good and life is short to love them all. She sounds sweet and self-righteous that you may doubt her intentions but all she can say about that is: “Deal with my jam yow!” J

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