Saturday, February 28, 2015

U-WEEK: Free Throw feels!


  Skimmers Free Throw players after the game. [cr.: Riza Cabualan]

       Free Throw, commonly known as “Org Wars” or just “Orgy”, has been a tradition every U-Week in UP Visayas for the last three years. But since I’ve always participated in Hinugyaw as a model, I was deprived of joining one of the most exciting events of U-Week. For two years, I just stayed on the sidelines with the other models and watch acad orgs battle each other in a paint-ball-esque game where they have to protect their respective governors from being hit by multi-colored “ammos”. Watching the game, we witnessed how players endured the scorching heat of the sun and bypass hurdles where one is at risk of being injured, that’s why us models were not allowed to join such game.

     For this year, Hinugyaw was not included in the list of activities for U-Week due to certain reasons soothe models were free to join whatever risky activities we want to participate in. We definitely grabbed the opportunity to play Free Throw since we’ve been dying to join this game so bad and luckily, we were granted to join in the fray this year, yay!

   Fast forward to game day. When we arrived at the softball field where the game will be held, we were so hyped to play already. We saw players from other acad orgs wearing their uniform shirts according to their respective team but (I don’t mean to brag) never once were we intimidated. Skimmers got fighting spirit, ‘nam saying? So we huddled together, strategized and discussed about our game plan and shouted the Skimmers signature cheer to get our heads in the game.

SOTECH, Clovers and Redbolts preparing for the game. [cr.: Riza Cabualan]

   On being a first timer. It hurts. Seriously. I now get why models were deprived from joining this brutal game because when ammos hit you, it hits you really hard. It hurts you so bad that there’s a possibility of bruises appearing on your skin days into the game. Also, being a participant is like playing a difficult game of “Would You Rather” with three choices: would you rather protect your governor, throw offenses or just take cover and save your sorry a**.

"Game mode: ON" [cr.: Riza Cabualan]

   Highlights. Here are some of the remarkable moments during the game:
             1. Miagao United. Acad orgs from Miagao campus teamed up to face orgs from CM. They were successful in eliminating Scions and Tycoons. Unfortunately, SOTECH also didn’t made it to the next round.
           2.  Terrifying climax. For the second round, Miagao United was still on. Though at some point during that round, Elektrons started targeting Clovers. Skimmers, being sandwiched between the two orgs, were on the brink of being a target anytime soon so we started throwing offense at the neighbouring orgs. Unfortunately, Skimmers’ offense team is not strong enough so there was like 5 minutes in the game when we were constantly hit by ammos coming from different directions. It was the darkest moment for Skimmers during the game to the point that we can’t throw offense because of the constant pain of being hit by ammos.
              3.   Unexpected plot twist. They say when you stumble and fall, you have to learn to get up on your feet. And that’s what we did. The game went on, with us defending our team and throwing offenses at the remaining orgs until the final countdown. When the governors were summoned for the judging, we never expected to land the second place after Clovers and Elektrons being the 3rd placer! Booyah!

The game ended with a blast, with orgs cleaning their designated spaces, getting rid of ammo casings and other garbage, throwing remaining ammos to other players ala paint war party, loads of picture taking and all. As one of the players, I never regret joining the game even though I got badly hit a lot of times. What I treasure the most is the experience, the fun, the thrill and adrenaline rush brought by the game and the happiness of ending the game in victory.


  1. my ass on the last photo hahaha :D

    1. remember when you were hit on the bust 2 or 3 times and it got you so mad. man, that was so sick! haha
