Thursday, February 26, 2015

Weird All-nighter Habits

     I’m sure most college students could relate to this one because what I’m gonna talk about here are stuff about burning the midnight oil. As college students, we could never deny being an all-nighter nutter sometimes. Even if we’re so anal about scheduling our tasks in order to get things done on time, we could never veer away from staying up late especially if we want to ace an exam or deliver a report with no loose ends.

   Having already spent more than a couple of years of my life in college surrounded by people who also struggle, for want of a better term, in the battlefield of academic excellence. I have encountered a lot of students with different all-nighter habits to ward off drowsiness and survive the night without feeling helpless at all. Aside from hoarding coffee, carb-packed food, smokes (optional), energy drinks that will make you twitch faster than a poke on the ribs, and other survival stash supplies in order to stay awake, here are some of the weirdest all-nighter habits from random people I meet in the university. Find out if you have the same habit as them or you might want to try their method in case you need a new strategy to stay up really, really late.

The Anal Girl. I know a girl who fixes her bed clothes super tight before commencing with her homework. She takes her bed sheets off, puts them back again and makes sure there isn’t any creases on them as if it’s good as new. If it isn’t enough, she takes out everything on her closet and arranges it back according to color or type depending on her mood. She said it helps clear her mind and by the time she starts working, her thoughts are well organized just like the stuff on her closet or her bed. Plus, her bed looks so good and clean that she doesn’t wanna ruin it for the time being.

The Hot Mess. If the previous girl likes everything nitty-gritty and organized, this hot mess I know likes to study with all kinds of stuff spread on her bed: notes, books, clothes, gadgets, even shoes! She likes to cover her bed up with stuff until there’s no more space to lie down onto in case she gives up and decides to retire for the night. It actually helps her get rid of the irresistible seduction her comfortable bed is doing so she could concentrate well on her homework. 

The Fitness Geek. This person is not really a 100% fitness geek but rather turns to one in times of great crisis that is “hell week”. You don’t usually see her jogging on a normal day but when hell week is approaching, she’s always starts her jogging routine at 6:30 PM every night. Like usual joggers, she always carry her phone and earphones to blast pop songs while running her usual track from dorm area to New Admin building and back. Running doesn’t only clear but also prepare her mind before she starts working by 10 PM on the dot every night. She doesn’t actually believe that running will consume her energy. Rather, she believes it to stimulate more energy and give her willpower to jump start working for her homework.

The Makeup Guru. I once had a dorm mate who has a different kind of entertainment when she gets tired of studying: she unleashes her inner goddess! She puts on thick layers of makeup gunk, and what’s worse is that she’s doing it as if she’s making a video tutorial like those makeup gurus you find in Youtube. Weird, I know. But she treats it as a form of entertainment for her and her roommates who also share the same struggle during hell week. By the time she gets back to work, she feels more alive and more stimulated to work because she knows that she could slay the beauty industry.

The Hypocrite. This one is more personal since it’s my weird habit when staying up late. Most of us tend to listen to music when studying, right? But back in my first year in college, I blasted KPOP (I was a hater before I saw the light), screamo rock and RPG theme songs when I prepare for my math exams (yes, I was still a struggling Elektrons back then). KPOP, screamos and loud instrumentals really annoy the hell out of me but I kinda benefit from them somehow because I believe they stimulate my brain cells (lol) and I can’t understand the lyrics so I wouldn’t get carried away and sing the song instead of studying.

   I could see that ghost of a smirk forming on your lips, mate. You definitely have weird all-nighter habits that would sure make the antics of our examples tame and thoughtful. In any case, we’d love to hear from you bubbah, after all it’s a free country. So woman up and comment below because the rest of the world’s dying to take a sneaky peek at your weirdly worldly all-nighter monkeyshines too!

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