Tuesday, March 31, 2015

10 Times EXO's Call Me Baby Slayed Fashion

         EXO’s back! And every EXO-L around the globe is going crazy about their just-released music video, Call Me Baby. But all the dapper faces, catchy rhythm and intense hip thrusts aside, I want to acknowledge the fashion statement that our boys sported in the music video. Whoever decided what the boys get to wear deserves recognition because EXO’s fashion every comeback never failed to amaze me. We’ve seen their remarkable fashion through the eras, from glittering alien garb to werewolf jocks to school uniforms to classy suit-and-tie combos, and now that they’ve dropped another bomb on us with Call Me Baby, a new fashion era has also began.

         Maybe it’s true what other media portals say, that EXO is the newest trendsetter in the industry, and so with the K-Pop group’s latest comeback, here’s a list of how them boys are gonna set a new trend and slay fashion once more.

 1. Turtle Necks. It’s almost summer and most of us have already kissed goodbye their winter clothes to see garbs of summer and sunshine. But it seems like most of the members of EXO are not over with turtle necks yet. As we can see from the music video, some of them sported this kind of clothing and paired it with a leather jacket or a button-up shirt (more of this later) to defeat the monotonous tone of the outfit.
Baekhyun, D.O and Sehun sporting turtlenecks.
      2. Greasy hair. We’ve seen some KPOP idols sporting this hairstyle but never really killed it. Greasy hair, for what it’s really worth looks good with Professor Severus Snape only, gives anyone else the appeal of a homeless vaganond with no two pennies to rub and get himself a good shower. Kai and Baekhyun had their hair seemed like they drowned their heads off in a tub of olive oil but they still looked good (and hot, actually). While the other boys had their hair styled up as usual but a hint of shine is visible. And, of course, who wouldn’t forget Chanyeol’s gray, fluffy hair? Not greasy but just equally great as that of the others.
Damn sleek and greasy.
     3. Cocktail of ‘70/80s fashion and hiphop. Most fans on Tumblr ranted “Why does Kai looked like he just came out of the movie Grease? Stylists, please explain.” Aside from him, the others also wore a hint of the retro fashion just like Sehun and Tao’s classic fitted button top that they looked like they could rock Ricky Martin in that outfit (lol!) Some boys paired it with a hiphop feel just like putting other patterns on the leather jackets and putting other ensembles that made them look like they’re rockstars from the ‘80s (will talk more of this later).
Grease? No. It's EXO.
     4. Leather is the new black. Like what I said, the boys wore a mixture of retro and hiphop and leather was known to be a trend back then. But because it’s expensive and definitely gets uncomfortable especially during this time of the year, it’s mostly luxury apparel nowadays. But the boys looked awesome wearing leather jackets accentuated with zippers and patterns to put the hiphop vibe somewhere in there.
Leather jackets everywhere.
     5. And so is ripped jeans. Some of the boys started wearing this fashion last year (Chen’s Up Rising, Sehun’s airport fashion, etc) but apparently, the stylist decided to rip the jeans of some of the boys too and now they all look like they’ve skinned denim and their knobbly knees learning to mount and keep a bike running but of course, we could never deny that they definitely rocked this garment.
Look at all those yummy legs.
     6. Intense layering. Again, it’s summer – the time for flimsy tops and comfy pants but the boys are still into layering! A typical layering that KPOP idols look consist of a button up shirt and a jacket but EXO somehow exaggerated this style. Who would have thought that wearing a short sleeved button-up over a turtleneck could look rad? (This is honestly my first time seeing this kind of outfit. But it’s cool tho!) Other layering included oversized shirts, hoodies, leather jackets, and  chains, lots of chains which I thought were so early 2000 hiphop style.
Intense layers, indeed.
     7. RETRO+ HIPHOP, really. Just look at this part of the music video. It looks like an ending of a 1980’s chick flick with all those dancing and singing and the outfits! 

      8. Smouldering but not tacky eyeliner. KPOP men are known to sport eyeliner (that’s why non-KPOP fans tag them as gay-looking but hey, haters gonna hate!) and only a small amount of international artists could rock this look (Adam Lambert, y’all). So with all those leather jackets and rockstar feels, it will never work out without eyeliner but Chen and Suho definitely slayed this look the most.
Grandpa Suho and Chenchen rocking that eyeliner.
     9. Pointy shoes. Who said pointy shoes are just for bachelors in suit and tie? Well, our boys proved that dancing isn’t just about sneakers and other dancing shoes as they gave justice to the rock-and-roll feel by wearing sleek pointies and still danced like they’re born to just dance.
Look at all those pointy shoes.
    10. Rockstar/Riders’ feel. With all the elements I’ve mentioned, leather jackets, eyeliners, ripped jeans, chains, and sleek hairstyles, it definitely results to them looking like rockstars from the ‘80s. You know, that kind of Joan Jett feels (she’s a girl, I know. But look at them rockstar fashion!) If you can’t feel the rockstar vibe, then the Harley stud aura probably works on you. If they’re not going to a rock concert then they look like they’re ready to mount big bikes and slay the highway ala Ghost Rider.
SatanSoo with his minions in leathers and boots.

And so that was 10 times EXO’s latest music video slayed fashion. I don’t know what their stylist have in mind when coming up with a concept for this particular comeback but in the perspective of an EXO-L (fans), this is definitely worth the recognition because this isn’t something I’ve seen in other group’s music videos. I’ve seen retro concepts in some group and hiphop on the others but never a mixture of both that’s why Call Me Baby is a remarkable one for me. Because if this, I’m looking forward for their next comeback because I trust EXO’s stylist to give us another awesome, never before seen style that could slay fashion once again.

Watch both versions of Call Me Baby MV and see for yourself! KOR | CHN

Monday, March 30, 2015

Not The Beach But Good Enough

Living in the city, I long for serene places like the beach during weekends but since I don't have the luxury of time for travelling right now, looking for an alternative place is a must. I am that type of person who wants to be away from where most of the crowd is. Last weekend, I was looking for a place convenient for small talks or chit-chats with a small group of friends.

Located within the Tabucan side of the Iloilo River Esplanade, you can find Avana Filipino Bistro, Play Hub and Cholabite. 

Avana Filipino Bistro is great for private parties and special functions since it has a widely elegant space. But surely you can still dine in on regular days for lunch or dinner.

Beside Avana, you can find the Play Hub. It's an outdoor playground and go kart area for both the young and old. The pedal go kart ranges from 40php to 80php.

If you would rather chill like me, then Cholabite is the place for you. They offer very affordable food and drinks like milktea for the milktea lovers. The cool breeze and fresh air make the place convenient for relaxation and a good chat with friends. 

Along the area, tents are provided for the accommodation of everybody. So dear reader, I hope I get to see you there soon because this place is perfect for the kids, kids at heart, tambays, sosyals, lolas and lolos, and it is even fit for study dates. So see ya!!!

Get Sun-kissed at Malalison Paradise

The beach. Tan skin. Swim suits. Tents. Bonfire. Backpacks. Hill Tops. Ring a bell? Well of course, silly. It's SUMMER TIME!! Any plans this summer? None? Well, I have a recommendation for you. Malalison Island of Antique, Philippines. 

I first had the chance to see this thing of beauty last 2nd week of November 2014. Malalison Island of Antique is a paradise. Set with picturesque mountain ridges for a background, having refined white shells and corals for sand, transparent clear waters that boasts beautiful marine life, hill tops perfect for short trekking that will enable you to see all of Malalison in its grandeur, and have I mentioned its infamous carnivore plants? 

If you want to experience a mini-Batanes, you should definitely try hiking Malalison Island’s hill tops. The climb is not too long and exhausting but enough to get the ‘worth it’ feeling when you then look from the peaks and see the beauty of the whole island in one grand vista. There is also an added bonus, if you observe enough, along the hike, you can get to see pitcher plants and Venus flytraps which both are carnivorous plants. Yes. You heard me right, they have carnivorous plants here! Just don’t go on picking them for souvenirs.

Just this February of 2015, when all of the world was celebrating Valentine’s Day with their bae. I decided to join some friends and revisited Malalison. I never regretted any moment I spent there. As a welcoming gesture, the Malalison kids choir sang for us with their cheery expressions.

I love spending time with kids. It was a joy to be surrounded by them being kids. They were not looking down on gadgets sticking in their hands. They are kids who are eager to play and engage in their environment. Curious kids. The kids were full of energy. They were telling me stories of their adventures in their island. They even told me of their secret cave at the opposite banks of the shore. They asked for me to play games with them. They also asked me to tell them ghost stories. We even planted new trees.

My friends and I spent a night there in tents, looking out to the stars. There were neither lights nor noise pollution because electricity from their generators are shut down by 10pm. Yes! There is no night life here. Just the peaceful lullaby of the waves and the beautiful twinkling of the stars to send you to the world of dreams.

Contrary on being bitter for not having a romantic relationship at the current time, I was in love. I was in love with the moment. I was in love with the place. I was in love with the kids’ energy. I was in love with nature.

I swam again into the crystal clear waters. I felt the sun in my skin. I let it burn me into my original colour. I felt emotions of joy and gratitude as this beauty engulfing me. For me, the experience was spiritual. I felt as if I was innocent and naïve like a child nestled in a caring mother’s tender love. I felt as if I was one with the mother of us all. Mother Nature.

Travelling for me is the greatest luxury. To experience the world first hand. See the Earth’s beauty first hand. Indulge in all the world’s cultures and diversities. To belong to nowhere but anywhere. That is luxury. That is the best kind of treat. Yes. We will always yearn to be home. There will always be a place to return to, but it may not necessarily be the place you have come from. Maybe you are yet to find the place you will call home. Maybe it is yet to be found. Lisa St. Aubin De Teran said it best, “Travelling is like flirting with life. It’s like saying, I would stay and love you, but I have to go; this is my station.”

P.S. Interested? Well why don't you, your friends and family go there and experience it for yourself? Go and book a trip now. Here's a link of Katahum tours. Have an awesome summer!

Because your fingers can do so much

         Other than the basic function of your fingers as your brain to paper machinery (that’s typing), holding and clutching things your shoulders and mouth cannot accommodate anymore (pun intended) or the infamous snot digger, your fingers can do much more. We tend to be so used to its utilities that we don’t pay even little attention to how much these fingers can do the job (and do it well). Not to name a few for all you know, we are too familiar with whatever we do with them. (Please, nothing kinky here.)
Image from pinimg.com

The magic of the fingers is a handy piece of wisdom to me especially on travels and circumstances that you need an emergency exit. This tricks could be your life savers, too.

1.      Instant sneeze stopper
It always feels heavenly to just let it out. The sneeze, that is. But what if you’re in a middle of an 
important conversation with dignitaries perhaps? Or in an animated convo with a cute guy in a bar so you have to make great impressions. Or hosting an event and you can’t sneezing because you’re in your element and that cannot be ruined at all.
Quick fix: Try pressing your philtrum (the narrow canal below the nose to your upper lip. Now you know what it’s called) with your pointing finger. Press hard enough but not too much just when you are about to sneeze and say goodbye to the haaccchoooo. Sneeze suppressed. Poise maintained.

2.      Ernax to the max
     Constipated but need to rush because of a cannot-be-missed appointment or a date waiting by the door! Worse, a travel bus waiting just for you at a bus stop! Worry not.
Quick fix: Using any of your fingers but the pointing finger most preferable, put pressure just at the center of the space between your chin and lower lip. No need to rush to a pharmacy for laxative because of constant pressing and pressure, it’ll graciously loosen itself.

3.      Imagine yourself in a bus ride to say, Baguio City, for your summer break. Just when you left the last bus stop, you just feel it. The urge to ernax and there’s no way of stopping the bus because your bowel has just gone wild. You know it. You’re seating like a pig with the confusion and wanting to just get rid of it. Now na. Don’t panic!
Quick fix: Put as much pressure as you can, with your fingers again, at the center of your palm. Slowly, you’ll feel the B gone wild retreat. Really. So wipe off the malabangkiling swat droplets. Keep it cool.

4.      Headaches must go
They surprise you sometimes. Oh, headaches have their own way of saying hello but don’t let them ruin the mood for the day.
Quick fix: Simple locate the center of your purlecue or webbing (another term for you and that’s the skin between thumb and pointing finger. You’re welcome.) Put as much pressure as you can again to ease the pain. Let it kill itself.

I haven’t read much on the scientific explanations of this finger magic but it has to do with acupressure. All I know is that it had worked for me like all the freeaaaking time. And now since this little travel wisdom has been shared to you, it’s time to pass it on. Practical tips as your Plan B. And if anything of the above-mentioned happens to you, it won’t hurt to try if the finger magic works on you, too. After all, you know your fingers too well, don’t you? 

Little Me at Islas de Gigantes

All photos credit to Nereo Cajilig Lujan.

When you throw yourself into the unfamiliar, it’s where you’ll most likely find an adventure. Carles was my unfamiliar adventure in the summer of 2014. The town is located in the northern tip of Iloilo and getting there by a private car will take you around 3 hours. If you travel by public transportation, it’ll take you about 4 hours or so.

To be honest, I was like a hitchhiker when I went there because I was with the capitol press corps to cover Iloilo Governor Arthur Defensor’s visit at the Islas de Gigantes scallop harvest which doubled as an inspection of the fisherfolks post Yolanda.

Fishermen harvesting scallops at Ialas de Gigantes, Carles, Iloilo. 

When fishermen harvest scallops, they set out to sea in groups almost looking like there’s a sea party what with all the boats scattered around. Then they’d prepare their tools composed primarily of a net and a tube. After a while, some of them (about one for every group) would wear his goggles, insert the tube in his mouth, and thrust his body underwater like a casual dive. In a matter of minutes, one of them would resurface and carry with him a net half-full of scallops!

A fisherman holding up captured scallops which he would be selling.

Freshly harvested scallops

I already have established an admiration for scallops simply because I like eating them but to see them being harvested and eating portions of them raw is even more amazing! I love scallops-grilled, steamed, baked, fried, even raw (because we literally ate lots of them during the trip)! 

Yours truly about to eat live scallop

While that was the highlight, we also luckily got the opportunity to take a side trip to some of the islands. In fact, we also got to hitch a ride with the Coast Guard BRP Davao del Norte heading close to Isla Antonia. The said island is where the famous photo of Islas de Gigantes, captured in an elevated position, is taken. You probably have even seen this picture when you googled Islas de Gigantes. 

Isla Antonia by the shore angle.
BRP Davao del Norte parked close by through which we took a quick joy ride
Aside from Isla Antonia, we dropped by Isla Tangke which literally has a “tangke-like” structure because of the hidden lagoon in the rocks. It’s an unassuming treasure. I swam-more like floated-in their for about 15 minutes because the water looked so pristine and inviting. You can imagine yourself there soaking in utopic bliss for a fantastical moment. One of the Capitol employees mentioned that this place is also inhabited by monkeys and they come out around the rocks sometimes to entertain tourists.

The spectacular langoon of Tangke Island, Carles, Iloilo

A lot of firsts happened in this trip. I won’t dwell on them for your sake, but let me tell you that firsts are awesome! They’re especially made memorable because of the corresponding awesome people (hello, capitol press corps!).

Awesome people