Monday, March 30, 2015

Because your fingers can do so much

         Other than the basic function of your fingers as your brain to paper machinery (that’s typing), holding and clutching things your shoulders and mouth cannot accommodate anymore (pun intended) or the infamous snot digger, your fingers can do much more. We tend to be so used to its utilities that we don’t pay even little attention to how much these fingers can do the job (and do it well). Not to name a few for all you know, we are too familiar with whatever we do with them. (Please, nothing kinky here.)
Image from

The magic of the fingers is a handy piece of wisdom to me especially on travels and circumstances that you need an emergency exit. This tricks could be your life savers, too.

1.      Instant sneeze stopper
It always feels heavenly to just let it out. The sneeze, that is. But what if you’re in a middle of an 
important conversation with dignitaries perhaps? Or in an animated convo with a cute guy in a bar so you have to make great impressions. Or hosting an event and you can’t sneezing because you’re in your element and that cannot be ruined at all.
Quick fix: Try pressing your philtrum (the narrow canal below the nose to your upper lip. Now you know what it’s called) with your pointing finger. Press hard enough but not too much just when you are about to sneeze and say goodbye to the haaccchoooo. Sneeze suppressed. Poise maintained.

2.      Ernax to the max
     Constipated but need to rush because of a cannot-be-missed appointment or a date waiting by the door! Worse, a travel bus waiting just for you at a bus stop! Worry not.
Quick fix: Using any of your fingers but the pointing finger most preferable, put pressure just at the center of the space between your chin and lower lip. No need to rush to a pharmacy for laxative because of constant pressing and pressure, it’ll graciously loosen itself.

3.      Imagine yourself in a bus ride to say, Baguio City, for your summer break. Just when you left the last bus stop, you just feel it. The urge to ernax and there’s no way of stopping the bus because your bowel has just gone wild. You know it. You’re seating like a pig with the confusion and wanting to just get rid of it. Now na. Don’t panic!
Quick fix: Put as much pressure as you can, with your fingers again, at the center of your palm. Slowly, you’ll feel the B gone wild retreat. Really. So wipe off the malabangkiling swat droplets. Keep it cool.

4.      Headaches must go
They surprise you sometimes. Oh, headaches have their own way of saying hello but don’t let them ruin the mood for the day.
Quick fix: Simple locate the center of your purlecue or webbing (another term for you and that’s the skin between thumb and pointing finger. You’re welcome.) Put as much pressure as you can again to ease the pain. Let it kill itself.

I haven’t read much on the scientific explanations of this finger magic but it has to do with acupressure. All I know is that it had worked for me like all the freeaaaking time. And now since this little travel wisdom has been shared to you, it’s time to pass it on. Practical tips as your Plan B. And if anything of the above-mentioned happens to you, it won’t hurt to try if the finger magic works on you, too. After all, you know your fingers too well, don’t you? 

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