Saturday, March 28, 2015


For some people, being in a romantic relationship means waking up each day with a positive and light feeling. Love gives a person the energy to accomplish many tasks while someone is continuously running in his/her mind. Love is so corny, we admit that. We became poetic and best writers when it comes on expressing our feelings. We use various analogies and metaphors to define what love is.

            When it comes to relationship, we adore those sweet and compatible couples. In fact sometimes, we wanted to be like them. But, why is it many people raise their eyebrows towards odd couples? Are they really odd for having such kind of relationship?

            We can often hear negative criticisms on the relationships of odd couples. Like for instance, the relationship between a young and old couple. The 8 years gap and more is being considered as peculiar for some of us. Some would say, they are like father and daughter or mother and son strangely dating in a park. Some would even argue that one or the other is running after the money. But who are we to judge? Does age really matter?  We can never tell because maybe they really do love each other. Age gap will never dictates on how two people will be able to understand each others emotions. 

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            Another example, does a rich man cannot marry a poor woman or vice versa? Who says that rich people are only for the rich ones? Do poor people have no rights to be love by someone in a high family status? It is not their fault that they are born poor and have nothing in life. I am not saying that poor people should depend on the rich one in terms of financial aspect. My point is, because someone is in high status, the lower one will strive hard to reach the other through hard work and dedication. Love gives inspiration, right?

            The most controversial kind of relationship is between same sex couple. In the Philippines wherein the dominant population are Roman Catholic, this kind of relationship is indeed not acceptable. For some, they even see it as an immoral act since in the Bible there are no relationships occurred between man to man and woman to woman. I am a Roman Catholic but I disagree with the idea that this kind of relationship is morally wrong. Are we sure that God will not allow this kind of scenario? If yes, does God perhaps told it to someone? If God will not allow two people love each other just because they have the same biological composition, would it not make Him a selfish God? 

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            Different people have diverse opinions and arguments regarding odd couples. No matter what it is, I do respect it. However, my point here is that we should not criticize and judge them quickly because we don’t know their story. We don’t know where they are coming from and what their reasons are. Maybe, among all other normal couples out there, they are the best example of what “true love” is. 

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