Saturday, March 28, 2015

Food DIY: Citrus Fizz Fix!

Instead of buying booze, ehem, I mean soda in the store and drink the blissful but sinful carbonated drink, why not make your own quick citrus fizz fix?

What? Yes! You heard that right, make your own soda! It’s simple, organic and way healthier than your store bought soda.

Interested? Here, I made your life easier with a step by step guide.

For this guide, I chose calamondin (or better known as calamansi) as our citrus concentrate

- citrus (calamansi, dalandan, lemon, etc)
- baking soda
- sugar
- water

- drinking glass
- plate and bowl
- measuring spoon
- knife

Step 1: Cut those little citrus babies 

Step2: Squeeze their juices!

 Step 3: Create your water mix

This is to be done on a separate glass:
o   Measure and pour same amount of water as to your citrus concentrate
o   Add 2 table spoons of sugar (or more, depending on your taste)
o   Mix them thoroughly and set aside

 Step 4: The magical moment, mix a half (1/2) table spoon of baking soda to the citrus juice

 Mix thoroughly and let those bubbles rise!

Step 5: Add the water (with sugar) and mix them carefully (avoiding the bubbles de-carbonize)

Step 6: Enjoy a glass of your own soda!

How on Earth did we made that soda? Simple science. As any elementary experiment would suggest, when we combine an acid and a base, there is a reaction. Think of your old science project volcanoes. By adding sodium bicarbonate, the baking soda, (base) to our citrus concentrate (acid) we have created carbon dioxide bubbles! This made our drink carbonated.

This quick fix is healthy not just because it’s plainly organic (the lack of other artificial substances). Its health benefit comes from the fact that this solution is rich in vitamin c but is not acidic. It is because a pinch of baking soda alkalizes or neutralizes the acidity.

Now, enjoy your quick citrus fizz fix!
Photo credits to Toni Santamaria :)