Monday, March 30, 2015

Guintubdan Falls Enchantment: Are you ready?

Looking at luscious pictures of greens partly covering the inviting paintbrush-looking pale blues and sparkles with tinctures of red that twinkle in the foreground of such a wonderful photo you're looking at in a glossy magazine page that smells of adventure and wonders of wandering - ooohhhhh, that feeling. That demand to be there, right now. Such urge!

    Nope, I'm not talking about foodgasm if that's what you think or sex just because you get your arousing kicks looking at pictures whatever the description may resemble but your, yes YOUR dream summer destination. All laid out before your very eyes are yet the best pictures of the country's loveliest tourist destinations. All swooning and drooling over a magazine just when you realize that UP academic life now will never grant you your heart's desires. Sad but ah-ah! Even if the academic calendar completely changed your plans for the summer, worry not because often times it is because of the academics that we get to go places too! Well, especially in CMS.

    Since at some point, we enroll in a class that requires us to feature travel as an output and a way of practicing documentation and journalistic skills, we get the chance to grab our sunnies, spend QT with classmates and bond over an academic assignment. Our fair share of it was a visit to Guintubdan Falls of La Carlota in Negros Occidental.

With my travel buddies Art, Trexie, Tristan and Eunice.

Since Trexie was from Negros (Moises Padilla) we stayed in their place for the night. The family was so welcoming that we had such a dinner treat. A whole lechon! Yes, the whole of it for the five of us. No big deal.

A goodnight's sleep was our Eveready Battery that before heading to the main destination, we got the chance to have some photos taken with the historical remnants of the old train that aided the transfer of sugar canes from La Carlota to other cities.

The off we go Guintubdan Falls! Baguio feels on our way. The cool ambiance had its own way of saying welcome.

On our way was a cockfarm. No wonder why there's one. I learned from my father that cool weather is a Plus when breeding.

We had to walk for about an hour and a half. Trekking and enjoying the wonders of nature, as the cliche goes. But truly, it was wondrous nature. Just before we approach the bottom of the falls itself, about 10 minutes away from it was such beauty undeniable of your aawwwwwwws and wooowwwws. We. Were. Enchanted!

Your sweat and heavy breathing from the trek would surely be replaced with admiration as  Guintubdan Falls' spell is casted on you.

We enjoyed its cool waters. Well, cool is an understatement. It's freezing but assuring you that it is equally refreshing.

Accompanied by childhood friends of our host. Trexie, the experience from the trek to the swim was really something to look forward to next time. (Even if the crystal clear water were ice cold).

Budol fight for lunch before heading back.

It's been a long while since I had a summer outing this fun and exciting. But before I plan and book a new one, I should first book reservations for my Sablay. You should, too. Then summer will never be the same again. (Thank you UP academic calendar. You really are summer changing. *mimic sarcastic voice*) Enchant us!

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