Sunday, March 15, 2015

I Walk, I Dream, I Hope

I walk among the horde of faceless and emotionless drones of the world. I walk among those who connect themselves to the virtual world, where intimacy and spoken words are filtered and shown through glaring monitors and variations of fonts.
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I walk among those who think they are the Einstein and Newton of the century with their advanced internet capabilities, yet remain ignorant of the simple things that are tangible and within their reach: Family, nature, laughter, the fragility of human beings.

I walk among those who think their lives beat with the pulsation of strobe lights and party music; drowning themselves in liquor and human debauchery, in a ruse to block out the painful realities that surround us.

I dream of lush green surroundings, where a job well done is rewarded with fruits bursting with color and flavor; with fresh and home cooked meals to cure the aching body, and a shot of cheap whiskey and raucous round of laughter among friends to cap off the night.
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I dream of a country where you can walk freely with no fear of a knife in the darkness, or a gun to strip you off of your possessions. Where those seated to serve the public are just and true, and progress is tangible and seen with the naked eye.

However this may just be a never-ending dream that takes away the hope and aspirations of everyone with each passing heartbeat.

But there may still be hope.

For there will always be a fire in the conquering darkness, a faint light to guide us through. We may be faceless, a swirling mass of different cultures that prevent us from reaching the dreams we aspire to have, but we have our way, the Filipino way: of laughter and resilience, of hospitality, and bravery, of patriotism and hunger to strive for a better life.

And that gives us the identity that makes us unique, the identity that someday, this will finally take us to the peace and prosperity we crave for many centuries.
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