Sunday, March 1, 2015

Surviving the Sniffles


(Photo from

            The most major setback that could happen to any graduating student (or a busy person, in general) is to get sick in the middle of constant hustling and bustling. Countless deadlines to beat, a social life to balance—when you want to have it all, getting the sniffles is a curse.

Still, prevention is better than cure. But when the vitamins just can’t take it and water just won’t break it (a bit of pun intended), what is there left to do?

1.       Dress up well.
During fasting season for the Catholics, the Bible advises us to not let anyone know we’re fasting. Same goes for suffering the sniffles. Suffer silently, pal. Don’t make it too obvious that you are sicker than sick. All the constant “You need some rest” and “You don’t look too good” will do nothing but break down your immune system (not to mention your self-esteem) even more.

2.        Load on the h20 and drink your meds!
Still, Mother Nature provides the best cure—water. Not only is it good for the skin (and everywhere else), water will help you get back on your feet sooner than you think. However, water does not help much with the runny nose and what feels like perpetual sneezing. That’s when the meds come in. Make sure that the ones you take are non-drowse or else you’ll catch yourself on a snooze fest in the middle of the class. Remember though, never pair it with caffeine. The results won’t be too pretty.

3.       Carry a disinfectant in your purse.
It’s bad enough that you have to endure all of this on such a tight, tight schedule. Don’t spread the misery to others. Carry a sanitizer or isopropyl alcohol with you and disinfect whenever necessary. Spread love, never germs.

4.       Fake it till you make it.
Elaborating my first point, once you’ve drank your meds, loaded up on water and looking prettier/dapper than ever, the last thing you will need is the will to fake it. No, not the kind of faking you’re thinking (wink wink, I must add) the kind where you fake being not sick. When you make yourself think that you’re not sick, you act like you’re not sick at all. What sorcery. Now you don’t have to worry about missed lectures and work undone because none of it is happening.

5.       Don’t overwork, rest.
At the end of the day, no matter how well you fake it, you’re still sick. Don’t harass your body, it’s the only one you have. Have a good rest when you get home, don’t tire yourself any longer and let yourself fall. Let yourself fall asleep. Pray, that you be better in the morning.

Getting sick is such a pain but sometimes it’s our body’s way of telling us that maybe we’re working a little too much. Yes, graduating and getting your academics done is important but don’t lose your health in the process. Manage your time well and make sure to reward yourself for a job well done. That way, you have constant fuel and enough drive to be your best every day. 

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