Sunday, March 1, 2015

Uni Week Celebration Finale, a Beauty Pageant?!

The past week was full of activities and fun! From the 23rd of February until the 27th, our university, the University of the Philippines Visayas, held its University Week celebration. Academic organizations and colleges were busy with their antics and showcases. For the most part, yummy food was available for purchase (what I liked best). Classes were suspended to encourage student participation. Sadly, some students preferred going home for a nice week long break from the academe. Still, events pushed through with one theme in mind - Iskolar ng Bayan, Bumalik sa Pinagmulan. (Scholars of the Nation, a Return to their Roots)

I find this theme quite trite but still noteworthy because after all what are we ‘but the collection of our memories’ as someone said in a book I have read before. If we forget how we started and what were our original goal was, we might end up to never really understand what we have now, what we should be grateful of, and what we should look forward to. Anyways, the point is, this year’s celebration pulls us back again to our roots, traditions and culture. There were a lot of events but the finale was the Binayle: Fiesta King and Queen 2015 beauty pageant last Friday.

It was a cool nice evening. A crowd gathered to witness the beauty competition against four Academic Organizations: the Skimmers, the Redbolts, the Elektrons and the Clovers. All of which belong to one college, the College of Arts and Sciences. The event seemed nice and fun. If you look up, you’ll see beautiful people at the stage. If you look around, you’ll see fellow Isko and Iska having a good time. What’s not to enjoy? But suddenly a thought struck me. I wondered, why is there such a need for beauty pageants and the need to crown someone or a pair as the best fruit of them all? Why should that competition be the finale of a University Week Celebration? Why do we even celebrate at all? Has this ever came to you? Yes. I’m this fun at parties.

To answer my own questions, I thought why not? Ha! The end.

Just kidding! Are you still with me? Yes? Good. I have recently learned from one of my podcasts a thing or two about beauty and nature. I watched Cosmos: A Space Time Odyssey, a science TV show from National Geographic. Narrated by Sir Neil deGrasse Tyson, in one of its episode, he explains that ‘beauty is nature’s seduction’. He further expounds that we humans love the beautiful and naturally we protect what we love. To adapt this into our context, I could say that having a Fiesta King and Queen for the event meant solidarity. In a sense, we look up into these figures not just as mere representations for beauty standards but more importantly as key figures to belong in your course, academic organization, college and ultimately to your fellow scholars.

To understand your thought process, it goes this way. (Disclaimer, this is just my observation and this is NOT scientific) First, you feel nice looking at them. They are attractive, physically. Right? The brains part, well, we are all part of the same University so, yeah. Second, you feel like you can identify yourself with the contestants. Both you and one of them or a pair of them may belong to the same course, acad org, or college. You, as the person reading right now, may have even helped them through this competition in one way or another. Third, now that you harbor feelings of kinship with them, you root for your bet. Fourth, the competition and the anxiety of whose going to win makes you feel your blood pumping with excitement and anticipation. Fifth, thus you eagerly want them to win. It makes you happy, it makes them happy. Sixth, please don’t be like me, stop overthinking it! It’s all fun.  So, why not?

© Jamela Montoya

Congratulations Clovers! Fiesta King and Queen 2015

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