Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Elastic hearts, Titanium and Chandeliers: The Imagery of Sia

Sia came out with another music video! We have to be excited. You should be excited. This artist conceptualizes videos like it’s a canvas full of possibilities. That does not go on to say that the videos are packed with supernatural, intricate, and extraterrestrial effects. That’s just it, they don’t have those. They just have persons doing extraordinary gestures. Okay, the Elastic Heart video was strange or deep at so many levels but then again, it was just two people moving around a cage all throughout the song.

Shia Labeouf and Maddie Ziegler elasticizing in Sia's Elastic Heart music video.
All this fuss about Sia just hit me recently after I finally fed my curiosity about her. I mean I’ve heard of Titanium before. I love David Guetta. I loved the lyrics and the vocals of that song. Who wouldn’t have an LSS over it especially after Anna Kendrick belted its first few lines in the musical Pitch Perfect? I just never bothered to think about the actual singer or better yet the brain behind Titanium. Did you know that Titanium was written by Sia and she actually wrote it for other aritists like Alicia Keys and Mary J. Blidge but then it somehow landed in the hands of David Guetta who made it such a hit song?

Sia Kate Isobelle Furler, famously known as Sia, in one of her decent, front-faced photos.
Sia writes songs for other artists despite being a performer herself. Right before Titanium reaped success, she was actually about to retire from performing. We should be lucky that she actually decided to pursue her career! Truth be told, what’s striking about her songs is that she often provokes images to come to mind like “I am Titanium” and “I'm gonna fly like a bird through the night”. I’m having a few reservations though regarding the messages of some of her songs because Chandelier, when sang casually, sounds like something a girl who’s about to YOLO at a party would sing.

The distinct raspy sharp voice is also worth-swooning over. Even then, Titanium required such vocal chords which I could barely keep up with. Anne Curtis gave her own rendition of Chandelier but of course, we know where this story would end. Sia has got impressive vocals. A run through of her previous songs in Youtube, before her album 1000 Forms of Fear was released, may surprise you of how soulful and indie she could be. Listen to Breathe Me!

Let’s leap into her quirky side because talking about Sia just isn’t complete without talking about her backward performance-as in back facing audience. From her interviews, the artist plainly reveals that she shuns fame. Getting cues from her own celebrity clients, she doesn’t like the attention at all. Her opinion-editorial article for Billboard in October 2013 aptly explains it, “Imagine the stereotypical highly opinionated, completely uninformed mother-in-law character and apply it to every teenager with a computer in the entire world. Then add in all bored people, as well as people whose job it is to report on celebrities. Then, picture that creature, that force, criticizing you for an hour straight once a day, every day, day after day.”

Sia performs and talks in interviews facing backward.
Lastly, let’s talk about her videos because that’s what this article is supposed to be for in the first place. I have two words: Maddie Ziegler. She’s the 12-year-old who’s been flexing about in the video with such other-worldly grace. The moment I saw the Chandelier video was like a revelation. I wasn’t sure if I envied the girl dancing in it or if I liked Sia’s vocals even more or if I liked the message of the song or if I liked Sia more because she conceptualized the video. Maybe it was all of those, but Maddie is really talented. In the recent video, she’ll even blow you away. It’s also partly because of Sia’s magic. J

Sia with her muse 12-year-old Maddie Ziegler at the red carpet.

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