Thursday, May 28, 2015


This article is the last requirement I have to passed in my last semester here in UP. My hands are busily moving from one letter to the other wanting to finish this last yet most sincere article I will write. What makes this one different is that this will all sum up what I have been through for the past four years. 

            I have never thought that I could passed the UPCAT examination and entered this prestigious university. Even before our high school graduation, I have already perceived myself studying in one of the college schools in Aklan. When our principal announced that I have passed the examination, it felt like I have got all the winning numbers in lottery.
            I think what made me pursue to study in UP despite of the fact that my family needs to strive very hard in order to support all my needs are the criticisms that I have heard from the people around me. There is this one time that my mother was crying when she got home because some people have told her that my intelligence is useless. According to them, it is just a waste for her to even try sending me to school since we don’t have money. They said that I can never make use of intelligence since my family is poor. Despite of that, my family still pursued to send me in UP with an aim of proving not only to other people but to ourselves as well that poverty is indeed not a reason for someone to stuck at the bottom. With that goal in mind, my extraordinary journey in UP started. 
            Studying in UP is like being free from a long years of staying in prison. Having a strict parents who most of the time remind you that women should just stay at home and learn all the household works. Everyday you have to follow the house rules such as being at home when the clock strikes at 5pm unless you want to get scolded for the whole night. This kind of living taught me to never easily trust anyone even though I have known them for a long time. And unlike any other students, I have never felt homesick since I have started studying here. And that has become my strength to stand all the hardships that I have been to.

how we look four years ago hehehe

            In UP, I have learned how to deal with different people having various personalities. Some of which I have once cursed and hated and there are some that I have secretly admired.  Several attitude and characteristic of people inside the campus will make your UP life more interesting. You will get to hear the latest and burning gossips that sometimes will give you goosebumps. I have witnessed people having explosive fight by just using their mouths which I admired the most. UP students are very expert when it comes on expressing their anger through their words. Well, for me it is better than having a physical fight (hehehe). 

Powerpuff Girls Live Action

            What makes my UP life interesting are the friends that I have all this time. Friends that sometimes I envy because of the luxury they are enjoying. But still I am blessed since unlike other people, status in life do not matter on them. We have stand the test of times together. A circle of friends that you are going to share experiences and create moments with even after college. 

Miagao Tulad Family :)

            If it is hard to passed the examination and enter UP, the harder it is to get your way out. I have cried for so many times because of the school works and exams especially during hell weeks. I even came to the point where I asked myself “what the hell I am doing here?” especially when I have financial problems. But it made me think that the school I have entered is incomparable to others in terms of the benefits I can get when I finally entered the real world. 

hi Lars.. :P

`           I can already say that I have achieved my goal of proving to other people that my brain is not useless just because my family is poor. I have survived having a maximum allowance of 500 pesos per week. It has never been an easy battle for me since I have faced number of obstacles. Problems were my mortal enemies all these years that sometimes fallen me apart. However having a family who I can always lean on boasted my confidence and faith that I can make it. 

            And to end this article, my UP journey is all WORTH IT!         

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