Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Common Enemy

Every person has an enemy or someone he or she aren’t in good terms of. People hate someone for some definite reasons. There is nothing wrong with having enemies because having misunderstandings and conflicts with other people is normal. It is even normal that sometimes we have to confront them and set the fire for the war. Everyone has reason for hating and holding grudge towards other people. I mean, we can never tell who’s right and wrong without knowing the whole story. But perhaps, we can tell of who are kind of people we usually hate. Here are some of them:

1.      The Chameleon

      These are the people that are experts in blending in our crowd to gather confidential information to share to everyone. Usually, they are sometimes the people we often referred to as “friends”. When these specie is with you, they possess a very bright and pleasing colors that cover his true identity. He/she often used this ability to protect himself/herself and let the other animals be in risk. However, when alone, his or her true color suddenly appears.

2.      The Amnesia Girl/Boy

These are the people who often suffer from short term memory loss. When he or she needs something from you, it seems like you two know each other before even heavens allowed your existence. Ironically, when he/she needs nothings from you, he/she will suddenly feel dizzy and can’t even remember even your name. There are a lot of people who have this kind of illness and sometimes it can be passed on to other people.

photo from google.com

3.      The Commander

These are the people who are fond of giving orders yet not doing anything. Well, maybe giving tasks and sitting comfortably is his or her expertise. This kind of person usually can be found in group works and team assignments. If we encounter this kind of leader, how hard it is for all the members of the group. If ever you are this kind of person, don’t even dare to call yourself a leader. A leader leads the actions and not just opens his/her mouth and point fingers to his/her members. 


These are just some of the people we often hate but I bet there are a lot more annoying people we have encountered. Having enemies is normal for a human being because we interact with other people every day. There are people that sometimes we cannot deal and bear to be with. However, when we hate other people we should also learn how to forgive them in right time. We must be open for the possibility that they can change into a better one.

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