Saturday, February 28, 2015

A Musically Charged Night

Life really is dull without music, isn’t it?

Whenever, wherever or whatever you may be doing, the beat and rhythm of your favorite songs reflect the situation or mood you are in. Feeling happy? Play something upbeat, dance-y and funky music brother! Being down in the dumps, friend? A mix of emotionally charged lyrics and heavy instrumentals are your company. It accompanies you throughout your life, music. And thank the heavens for this wonderful gift.

So it was one “summer-is-coming-weather” Wednesday night here in UPV Miagao when music was showcased to the students, in the image of the UPV Music Club. Only created last semester, the UPVMC-as it’s called- aims to tap the creative minds of the students through their projects of producing videos of song covers and eventually, create and record an album containing all original composition of its members.

Photo Courtesy of UPV Music Club
It was a special night for the organization, because that Wednesday night of February 25 marked UPVMC’s first ever concert for the UPV community. It was held at the UPV Miagao covered court as a part of the week-long celebration of the school’s university week. Headed by the org’s founder Rhett Sean Pomares, they played songs ranging from OPM covers to Original compositions of its members. The concert evoked a casual, laidback night best enjoyed with friends, laughter and a bottle or two; a perfect atmosphere for the students to relax and enjoy a little for the otherwise busy and stressful school days.

May it be under star filled skies, a smoky, chaotic live-house, a stadium or the comforts of home, music will always help us get through the days to come. With talents being developed by organizations such as the UPV Music Club, expect music-filled years will still come to sing lullaby’s to our souls.

Logo Courtesy of UPV Music Club

Let the music flow within you my good man.


One word, BABIES! For some people babies aren't a ‘thing’ especially for those who aren't my age. They’re just babies, they cry, eat, poop and do nothing but nowadays when people want to feel good the only two things they type online is either cats or babies or both, baby cats and baby animals. Babies have become a new type of entertainment for people. And personally I think this new trend is great.

First of all babies are freaking adorable and cute and they will never let you down, no matter how bad your day was you can never go wrong with a video of a baby hysterically laughing at the most ridiculous things.
Just recently I have been addicted to this Korean reality program entitled “The Return of Superman”. The show features Korean celebrity fathers who are supposed to take care of their child/children for 48 hours without the mother. During the 48 hours the dads and children are suppose to accomplish tasks that are given by the wives. The dads explore these activities with their kids and occasionally celebrity friends of the dads will stop by to interact with the kids. Amazing right? From rappers to UFC (Ultimate Fighting Champion) fighters these celebrity fathers need to cope with parenthood for 48 hours without the help of the mother.And the best thing about this show are the babies! From adorable twins to the most popular triplets in the world.

I especially love the triplets because everything they do is thrice the fun! Introducing Daehan, Mingguk and Manse. The children of actor Song Ilkook.

Daehan is the eldest and the cutest (in my opinion). As the eldest triplet he is very responsible and endearing although nowadays he doesn’t have as much airtime as the other triplet. When the spotlight is on him though he will never fail to melt your heart.  

Mingguk is the middle baby and the most popular among the three and who could blame him because he is the most delightful baby to set eyes on. He loves to sing and he loves to act cute effortlessly. The first time you watch the show I bet that you’ll definitely fall in love with kuku.


Manse is the energetic ‘bunso’. Always looking for trouble and always in full battery mode. He will make you laugh with his funny antics from crying so hard because he got scared of his own reflection to getting choked while eating but still continues to eat. He loves to eat and nothing will get in the way of his eating.

Aside from the babies on the show you can always laugh out loud to the fathers who are doing their best to take care of their child and you can really see how well these fathers would do anything for their children.

The show has already become the number 1 variety program in Korea and it’s only a matter of time when other countries make a version of their own. If you ever you feel down and disheartened just watch this show and it will surely make you cry from laughing so hard. Disclaimer though, the show will make you want to have a baby like ASAP.

Parapasundayag man ta’ton ah: Sharing limelight with the stars, just almost.

Like all the other celebrations, be it week-long or just a day, you somehow qualify an event to its degree of success on how it ends. The recently concluded University week of UP Visayas nevertheless had its own little happy ending just like how they call it in fairytales. 
Jam-packed UPV covered court awaiting for the performances


        But because we aren’t living in a far, far away kingdom (although UP Miag-ao is relatively far 
we are then met by the realities of dancing Chancellor,Vice-chancellor and College Deans, 
pa-Macho Man faculties and all-out performance by administrative staff we barely see in the duration of our academic lives. Given the stage to own, ramp on or molest (pun intended), faculty and staff or various colleges and departments had their own share in putting V in ictory of this year’s PASUNDAYAG: OPM VARIETY SHOW.


CAS Peformance. 1st place, Pasundayag 2015

      The show, which was a part of the last string of activities for the University Week held on Friday, February 27, was indeed “bombastic” using the words of Doc Zoi when asked about his impression of the show itself. As one of the sniggering audience, I enjoyed the merriment of participants’ experimentation of their selves or among themselves trying to fit in the criteria of variety show in the beat of Original Pinoy Music. In the end, the red group led by the CAS won the cash prize of 15,000php (no biggie).

      The most yelled at for cheers and shout outs made by the crowd were of course shared by the lead characters of the respective variety shows and indeed they deserved the applause. Unlike the usual when one’s attention is mostly or only drawn to the protagonists of the show, my eyes indulged and gave own limelight to those who stayed at the sidelines yet danced and sang their hearts (and lungs and liver almost) - they were sweating like pigs, gave their “all” (in layman’s term, bira-bira, hataw-hataw ah!) - for the group’s piece. At one point I thought they were cute, but ‘ya know, 
the funny kind of cute. 

Ala una...

Alas dos...

Alas tres...



     I tried to categorize these performers as to their “attitude” on stage. Of course to most of us they’d be nobody but since they got my attention, that’s a point to qualify as somebody.


      So there would be people who probably don’t mind if they were the one cheered at or just because they were part of the group (I don’t give a deym type). 

       I can say she shares same thoughts as the guy above.

There’s that optimist ­type, I-can-be-discovered dude/gal. Okay then, persistence is the key.You go girl!
Confusions, confusions

     Also, there’s the let’s-get-this-over-with-now-na who does the moves his own way, never mind the music and sync.

      There also can be the kung hindi lang ni gin require ni boss, hindi ko pagpakahuy-an self ko­ mantra. All for the job to keep!

       Regardless of however you categorize them, or generalize these back-up performers, one thing’s for sure – they may not be show stealers like the ABSolutely sexy Mr. Primavera and your eyes may never lay on them once more once you saw the group on stage but the routine and the number, bombastic or not, shall never be the same without them. After all, Cinderella would never be Cinderella without those mice.

      For these awesome people, please do what the hosts’ card says so. Thanks!

Post Break-up Syndrome: 5 crazy things we do when he’s not anymore into you

We all have our love and loss stories, or drama to say the least. Yep, you are not spared from the theatrics so let’s face it. The word drama fits the tragic heartbreak story you, me and almost everybody has gone through at one point – like how the shoes fit Cinderella. You can bet your boos Cinderella either had the smallest or biggest size that it didn’t fit anybody.

       Well, I won’t be talking about shoes, let’s save that for later. But comparable to however big or small the shoe sizes were, are your own version of drama and its dynamics (Pa tam-is tam-is hibi, a dako-dako eye bags, etc.) But just how far have we gone, or are you going (I’m so sorry if you recently had that tsug tsug beat run slow and weak) until we’re kind of cool with it? With this posted as a question and something to ponder on, I had my own share or reminiscing. (Fade in: Reminiscing track. Fade under)  

Here’s some silly things we do. Guilty or not guilty, go find out! Read away!

1.      Stalk like a pro.
      If you’re still connected on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, you’ll realize you’ve never visited his page as much as you do now. You follow itsy-bitsy updates like who he becomes friends with or recent places he’s been with who, why and why details of it through photo tags or posts itself. You become keen on who he hangs out with now (Is it still his old crew or are there changes?) Well, if you’re not friends anymore because lakas mo maka ampalaya plus (bitter) you deleted him or vice versa, you’d request a friend (common Facebook friend) to check out his timeline and still do the stalking. Until you discover recent and frequent interactions with a particular someone and it’s a she! Shebangs baby! But forget the bang, we won’t fast forward to that (HAH!) because this leads to…

2.       Compare and contrast

So there’s a new girl. Well, not totally a new girl perhaps but exchange of likes and timeline posts and comments are getting very obvious (You mentally keep records of likes and comments and even remember exactly what photos these were). So you start stalking the girl. And you start to compare who looks better, who’s smarter, what does she have that you don’t have or the other way around and end up either liking her or hating her. (I’d go for the latter). You hate, okay let’s use the word dislike. You dislike her like you dislike dropping your newly-bought GTech pen because it won’t work anymore (Odd analogy?) You look for faults and measures of qualifying yourself better than her or the best your ex ever had BUT if you obviously know she’s isang paligo, okay 10, better than you that you can’t find faults, you criticize her grammar.  Yes online grammar through posts and captions to the extent you mentally correct them and could almost smash it on her face. Hahaha. Even capitalization and spelling. Then you get the lead. Yay!

3.       Word of the day: His name or her’s. Yes, the new girl.

So you see common friends around especially his guy pals and instead of just letting it go spontaneous you speak a pitch higher than your usual when you mention his name. Well you don’t necessarily ask directly about his whereabouts (Curiosity to yourself) but make way to mention his name. When you talk to your girlfriends, it takes no longer than 3 sentences before you mention his name (again). Or her name and discuss how you are greatly in advantage or make fun or the mental corrections you made in her grammar. Hmmmn. Not good. Not good.

4.       Unknown caller

Thoughts about him with a new Significant Other were put at bay and focused on him so you remembered how lovely you were together and suddenly miss him tremendously you had to at least see his shadow or hear his voice. No chance to see him? No problemo. Borrow a friend’s phone, number unregistered to ex-boyfriend and ring until he picks up and you hang up. Wow, some new technique there sissy.

5.       Release your own MTV

No more wasting of energy on stalking, asking or calling and texting. You choose the perfect spot of the room. (The nearer the window with an open view and hustling hair blowing the hair is, much preferable) and hit play of the greatest bittersweet symphonies and melodies that tells the most heart-rending stories. Taylor Swift, perhaps? Yeeeeeee.

Sometimes all we need is a good cry. Let the mascara get smashed but dearie, never ever forget to retouch.  Focus on you, your strengths. Being a better person is waaaaayyyy applausable than a madiskarte ex.

Images from

U-WEEK: Free Throw feels!


  Skimmers Free Throw players after the game. [cr.: Riza Cabualan]

       Free Throw, commonly known as “Org Wars” or just “Orgy”, has been a tradition every U-Week in UP Visayas for the last three years. But since I’ve always participated in Hinugyaw as a model, I was deprived of joining one of the most exciting events of U-Week. For two years, I just stayed on the sidelines with the other models and watch acad orgs battle each other in a paint-ball-esque game where they have to protect their respective governors from being hit by multi-colored “ammos”. Watching the game, we witnessed how players endured the scorching heat of the sun and bypass hurdles where one is at risk of being injured, that’s why us models were not allowed to join such game.

     For this year, Hinugyaw was not included in the list of activities for U-Week due to certain reasons soothe models were free to join whatever risky activities we want to participate in. We definitely grabbed the opportunity to play Free Throw since we’ve been dying to join this game so bad and luckily, we were granted to join in the fray this year, yay!

   Fast forward to game day. When we arrived at the softball field where the game will be held, we were so hyped to play already. We saw players from other acad orgs wearing their uniform shirts according to their respective team but (I don’t mean to brag) never once were we intimidated. Skimmers got fighting spirit, ‘nam saying? So we huddled together, strategized and discussed about our game plan and shouted the Skimmers signature cheer to get our heads in the game.

SOTECH, Clovers and Redbolts preparing for the game. [cr.: Riza Cabualan]

   On being a first timer. It hurts. Seriously. I now get why models were deprived from joining this brutal game because when ammos hit you, it hits you really hard. It hurts you so bad that there’s a possibility of bruises appearing on your skin days into the game. Also, being a participant is like playing a difficult game of “Would You Rather” with three choices: would you rather protect your governor, throw offenses or just take cover and save your sorry a**.

"Game mode: ON" [cr.: Riza Cabualan]

   Highlights. Here are some of the remarkable moments during the game:
             1. Miagao United. Acad orgs from Miagao campus teamed up to face orgs from CM. They were successful in eliminating Scions and Tycoons. Unfortunately, SOTECH also didn’t made it to the next round.
           2.  Terrifying climax. For the second round, Miagao United was still on. Though at some point during that round, Elektrons started targeting Clovers. Skimmers, being sandwiched between the two orgs, were on the brink of being a target anytime soon so we started throwing offense at the neighbouring orgs. Unfortunately, Skimmers’ offense team is not strong enough so there was like 5 minutes in the game when we were constantly hit by ammos coming from different directions. It was the darkest moment for Skimmers during the game to the point that we can’t throw offense because of the constant pain of being hit by ammos.
              3.   Unexpected plot twist. They say when you stumble and fall, you have to learn to get up on your feet. And that’s what we did. The game went on, with us defending our team and throwing offenses at the remaining orgs until the final countdown. When the governors were summoned for the judging, we never expected to land the second place after Clovers and Elektrons being the 3rd placer! Booyah!

The game ended with a blast, with orgs cleaning their designated spaces, getting rid of ammo casings and other garbage, throwing remaining ammos to other players ala paint war party, loads of picture taking and all. As one of the players, I never regret joining the game even though I got badly hit a lot of times. What I treasure the most is the experience, the fun, the thrill and adrenaline rush brought by the game and the happiness of ending the game in victory.

Friday, February 27, 2015


When we are asked of what is our favorite food, many of us would probably answer desserts, fried chicken, or the specialty dish of your much-loved restaurants. These are the food that not all people can taste. 

However, a young boy named Erwin living in Bongabong, Mindoro Oriental has a rare pick on his favorite food. Unlike any other children, he chooses to love rice over other dish. In the television documentary of I-Witness in titled “Daang Ilog” hosted by Kara David, Erwin together with other children earn for a living through delivering agricultural products such as banana, coconut and etc. Every day, they have to walk for 1 hour and cross the river for two hours while riding on a life bouy with their products tied. 
photo taken from GMA News Online
The water is not deep but the current is too strong that sometimes lead them to fall. They have to do this twice a week in order to help their families. In every kilo of agricultural products they carry is being paid for only 1 peso. This simply implies that they have to carry heavier products to be paid of bigger amount. 

No wonder that Eric would love to eat rice. In a kind of situation they had, wherein it is already a big miracle for them to eat rice every day, what else could he dream of? To eat rice what can satisfy him and no more. Maybe, he might never know what desserts are or what “chicken joy” means. Eric as a simple and innocent young child would even define rice as his favorite food.  

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Weird All-nighter Habits

     I’m sure most college students could relate to this one because what I’m gonna talk about here are stuff about burning the midnight oil. As college students, we could never deny being an all-nighter nutter sometimes. Even if we’re so anal about scheduling our tasks in order to get things done on time, we could never veer away from staying up late especially if we want to ace an exam or deliver a report with no loose ends.

   Having already spent more than a couple of years of my life in college surrounded by people who also struggle, for want of a better term, in the battlefield of academic excellence. I have encountered a lot of students with different all-nighter habits to ward off drowsiness and survive the night without feeling helpless at all. Aside from hoarding coffee, carb-packed food, smokes (optional), energy drinks that will make you twitch faster than a poke on the ribs, and other survival stash supplies in order to stay awake, here are some of the weirdest all-nighter habits from random people I meet in the university. Find out if you have the same habit as them or you might want to try their method in case you need a new strategy to stay up really, really late.

The Anal Girl. I know a girl who fixes her bed clothes super tight before commencing with her homework. She takes her bed sheets off, puts them back again and makes sure there isn’t any creases on them as if it’s good as new. If it isn’t enough, she takes out everything on her closet and arranges it back according to color or type depending on her mood. She said it helps clear her mind and by the time she starts working, her thoughts are well organized just like the stuff on her closet or her bed. Plus, her bed looks so good and clean that she doesn’t wanna ruin it for the time being.

The Hot Mess. If the previous girl likes everything nitty-gritty and organized, this hot mess I know likes to study with all kinds of stuff spread on her bed: notes, books, clothes, gadgets, even shoes! She likes to cover her bed up with stuff until there’s no more space to lie down onto in case she gives up and decides to retire for the night. It actually helps her get rid of the irresistible seduction her comfortable bed is doing so she could concentrate well on her homework. 

The Fitness Geek. This person is not really a 100% fitness geek but rather turns to one in times of great crisis that is “hell week”. You don’t usually see her jogging on a normal day but when hell week is approaching, she’s always starts her jogging routine at 6:30 PM every night. Like usual joggers, she always carry her phone and earphones to blast pop songs while running her usual track from dorm area to New Admin building and back. Running doesn’t only clear but also prepare her mind before she starts working by 10 PM on the dot every night. She doesn’t actually believe that running will consume her energy. Rather, she believes it to stimulate more energy and give her willpower to jump start working for her homework.

The Makeup Guru. I once had a dorm mate who has a different kind of entertainment when she gets tired of studying: she unleashes her inner goddess! She puts on thick layers of makeup gunk, and what’s worse is that she’s doing it as if she’s making a video tutorial like those makeup gurus you find in Youtube. Weird, I know. But she treats it as a form of entertainment for her and her roommates who also share the same struggle during hell week. By the time she gets back to work, she feels more alive and more stimulated to work because she knows that she could slay the beauty industry.

The Hypocrite. This one is more personal since it’s my weird habit when staying up late. Most of us tend to listen to music when studying, right? But back in my first year in college, I blasted KPOP (I was a hater before I saw the light), screamo rock and RPG theme songs when I prepare for my math exams (yes, I was still a struggling Elektrons back then). KPOP, screamos and loud instrumentals really annoy the hell out of me but I kinda benefit from them somehow because I believe they stimulate my brain cells (lol) and I can’t understand the lyrics so I wouldn’t get carried away and sing the song instead of studying.

   I could see that ghost of a smirk forming on your lips, mate. You definitely have weird all-nighter habits that would sure make the antics of our examples tame and thoughtful. In any case, we’d love to hear from you bubbah, after all it’s a free country. So woman up and comment below because the rest of the world’s dying to take a sneaky peek at your weirdly worldly all-nighter monkeyshines too!