Friday, February 6, 2015

An Uncovering

Growing up, I never thought about what sets me or my generation apart from all the others. I just knew I was a kid born in the 90’s. I had the chance to enjoy the simple things. At the same time, I was able to plunge myself into the more complex world of technology, social media, and innovation. I know I will always have something to go back to and look forward to. Apparently, I have the best of both worlds.

I’m a 19 year old with a mind that is very much fond of wandering off to who knows where. In my spare time I read books or tinker stuff. I like walking. When I get lost in unfamiliar places, I walk until I find my way.  I take pleasure in watching movies in cinemas and lounging in coffee shops alone.  During these moments of solitude do I get the chance to think about the "what ifs", "what will bes", and "what could’ve beens" of everyday life. 

I enjoy random on-top-of-the-jeepney rides and on-the-spot camp-outs. College taught me to find pleasure in the little things.  I also have an unexplainable obsession over cacti and succulents. I spend unproductive days replanting them. Some thrive in my dorm room. 

I’m curious as to what gets people up from their beds every day; as to why they do what they do. I love hearing stories about generation Y, the millennials, my generation. I get awed by how these people innovate and bring positive change to their communities. In hearing and reading about them, I find myself wanting to tell more stories about them as well.  

I love the misfits; those who defy the norm.  I enjoy the cringes and the eyebrow-raising they set on close-minded people. I strongly believe that LGBT rights are human rights. I’ll never get tired of anything linked to the cause of LGBT people especially the youth. 

I believe in equal rights no matter how flawed the system is. I am pretty much a hopeful person. I know change is bound to happen all the time. I believe that if you want to change something, you can’t wait on others to make the first dive. You do it yourself. 

I’m in constant search for my true purpose in walking this earth (I'm still 90% uncertain). I’m looking forward to that eureka moment. The wheels are turning. I know I’ll get there. 

I used to go with the flow. Now I aim to create my own waves or maybe just start off with ripples. This blog is one of them. 

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