Friday, February 6, 2015

Sometimes Wondrous, Sometimes Strange

Jil Frances is a 20-year old student who never liked being bounded by convention. Sometimes, she seems as if she doesn’t care at all but truth is she takes time to discover a secret passion.

Her life means having a good book and a cup of coffee matched with Mumford & Sons playing over the background. But most of the time, she’s all on making life as enjoyable as possible through cheap thrills over the weekend. That would include telling mom that she’s staying out late for a big school project when truth is she’s out on a low-budget road trip with her friends. She likes finding and figuring things out by herself and making decisions her parents wouldn’t even know of. Her goal is to make a curve or a bend amidst all the complexities. If not, then she’d be at home reading the latest of Neil Gaiman’s or probably be that fat & lazy person everybody knows of.

She blogs to keep a virtual diary about the good things she gets (but often forgets) in life.

Her wildest dream is to become a forensic psychologist or a marine biologist but here she is studying communication and the media while trying to blog.

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