Saturday, February 21, 2015


Call me Dan. I like it short and mysterious.

Actually no, I’m pretty expressive about most things (that’s why some people say I’m a cartoon character). It’s just that I’d like to skip the part of correcting everyone who spells my name wrong.

My full name is Danika Kaye Cinco. I just found out that Dewfoam manufactures pillows named ‘Danika Kaye’. I feel a little bit violated, as of the moment.

I don’t really dwell into writing about who I am because they never hold true for a long time. I believe that you’re not entitled to be the same person you were five seconds ago. Everything’s constantly changing after all.

But then I guess that says a lot about my core. I’m existential, usually creative, occasionally depressed, sporadically poetic. Sometimes I write for the dead, and for the living who feel dead. Thought Catalog is my guilty pleasure. Youtube slam poetry/spoken word poetry and short poems from all around Tumblr are my go-to sites when insomnia hits. I appreciate poetry but I don’t write good poetry. Yes, I suck.

As of now, I keep myself productive by being in three orgs, juggling 21 units of class load (I’m a BA Communication and Media Studies student from the University of the Philippines-Visayas) and still manage to get tipsy every other (other) weekend.

My hobbies include sketching (I toy with the idea of being a fashion designer), walking (with earphones and good music on, of course), and going out for coffee or tea. I try to immerse myself in various ideas and activities that I hope you’ll find interesting. Read up and you might stumble upon something good.

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