Saturday, February 21, 2015

Tell us what you want. What you really really want!

As part of the debut launching of Microcoxm, we are ecstatic to announce our blog’s very first photo contest

This will be our way of soliciting ideas from you, our dear readers, on how to make our blog better. In return, two of you will get tickets for you and your friends to different UPV events this coming March and April 2015!
You know it ;)
Here’s how the photo contest works:

1.      This photo competition is open to all Microcoxm readers in Iloilo.
2.      There should be four people for every entry.
3.      To qualify, the photo should contain the following elements:
1.      The sender of the photo being IN the photograph
2.      The presence of the interface of Microcoxm
3.      The photo should be creative and fun
4.      The caption of the photo should contain the four things or topics the participants want to read on Microcoxm.
4.      Photo should be uploaded on the Microcoxm Facebook page at
5.      One photo per contestant only
6.      Deadline of submission is on February 28, 2015 (Saturday)
7.      Two (2) winners will be announced on March 1, 2015 (Sunday)
8.      The winners will be announced through the with the uploaded photo of the contestants on Facebook.
9.      The photo sender with the most number of likes will win four tickets to each UPV event: Wicked, #Hugot, Sigabong, and Fashion’s Night Out. The photo sender with the second most number of likes will also win four tickets to #Hugot and Sigabong. The winners will be contacted shortly on how they can claim their tickets after the result is announced.

Easy, right? So c’mon! Gather your friends, snap away, and upload it on our Facebook page!

We couldn't be more excited than Rebecca Black on a Friday

Good luck!

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