Tuesday, March 3, 2015


One of the highlights during the University Week of UPV was definitely the Pink Party DOS. It was the official after party of the whole University marking the end of the very successful U-Week. This year’s pink party was the second time that UPV Lipad (the official LGBTQC organization in the University) hosted the event but with the help of CAS Student Council, Partido sang Mainuswagon nga Bumulutho and Validus Amicitia Brotherhood. When something so good like this happens of course it’s bound to have a sequel and Pink Party DOS lived up to the expectations of many.

How the Pink Party looked like in the eyes of a drunkard.

Held at Villa Marina Beach Resort the party started late at around 10:30 pm, following the end of the pageant which was Fiesta King and Queen. It was definitely a party to remember. Being a member of PMB, I was not allowed to drink in order for me to fully function as a co-DJ of the party and at first I was really worried that I couldn’t enjoy the party since every party-goers motto is to drink, party and pass out but I still had an enormous bulge of happiness all throughout the party withstanding even without the presence of liquor. It was a slow burning party, you know the kind that doesn’t have a grand opening but wait till’ you start drinking and absolutely by the end of the night you’ll be shitting brinx, I know I did.

So being one of the few sober people in the party I've decided to list down 5 things you should remember before attending a "UPV PARTY" but hopefully these five things could help you out in other parties too so here we go..

1. DON'T BE ALONE. No matter what happens be with someone during a party or arrive there with a group of people whom you trust that will carry you home when the time comes.

2. DO SHARE YOUR YOSI. Yes to all those anti-dancers who only come to parties for the booze and the light, share your black, blue, red, green oh you know what I mean. Share it and be merry!

3. DO PACK LIGHT. Uh it's a party not a camp, it's hard to believe but there are people who bring everything during parties. I mean c'mon relax you don't have to bring your life with you on the dance floor.

4. DO SHAKE YOUR BOOTY. Dance b*tches. Seriously though. If you didn't come here to party then might as well go home. #HUGOTOFTHEDJ. Btw no matter what music they play you better bring your A-Game on :D

5. DO ENJOY AND HAVE FUN. It's a party it's supposed to make you high... in SPIRITS! Whooohooo..

So for the rest of the upcoming UPV parties hopefully you remember my list. Well go on now friend go and pop your cherry. Your party cherry ;)

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