Tuesday, March 3, 2015

UWeek: Ang Inabot ng Forty Pesos ko

“Saan aabot ang twenty pesos mo?”An ice cream brand has this question for a tagline. I had the same question for myself last week only that I was curious how far my forty pesos could go.

Since no memorandum was announced regarding the cancellation of classes during the University Week, I went to class last Wednesday February 25, 2015. I was then startled  to find the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (the Pidlaoan Hall in particular) smelling of popcorn. At that moment, the smell to me was very reminiscent of the “peryahan” where despite a variety of snacks, popcorn is always a hit. There was no peryahan at the Pidlaoan Hall that day though. But true enough,there was a popcorn booth. Plus a cotton candy booth and a photobooth!  The area was jampacked with students all lining up to get tickets to something.

Nobody missed the popcorn and cotton candy that day photo taken by Julia Gimenez
What could be happening? Ah yes, it’s the Sotech Short Film Festival 2015!

SSFF 2015 poster retrieved from https://www.facebook.com/SSFF2015

The SSFF is an activity organized by students from the UPV School of Technology in celebration of the Sotech Week.  To showcase their skills and talents in filmmaking, each year level from the courses of Food technology and Chemical Engineering is required to pass an original film entry of any genre all conceptualized, and put together by the students. Each film shall run from ten to twenty minutes. 

Now on its 3rd year, SSFF became a university-wide event as it was hosted by Sotech for the University Week Celebration. This time, groups outside Sotech were allowed to submit an entry.

photos taken by Julia Gimenez

I haven't watched SSFF before. Getting interesting feedback from those who have watched the first two screenings of the day, I felt bothered about the idea of not being able to see it firsthand.

With a couple of friends and armed with popcorn and cotton candy, I entered the cinema-transformed Pidlaoan Hall to find the place full of students. All the seats were occupied. Some students have cramped up on the staircase just to find a place to sit and see the show clearly.

Each film had a different story and treatment. While there were times the audiences laughed so hard and said "awwwww" all together, there were also instances everybody cringed and screamed in horror. It was a feast of emotions inside the hall. 

The awarding came after. Best film was awarded to Tagbalay by the 5th year Chemical Engineering students.  Laro ( by 4th year Chemical Engineering Students), Genesis  (by UPV Media.com) and Rewind, Replay, Repeat (by 1st year Chemical Engineering Students) placed second while 3rd place went to Noted (by UPV Indie Org).

movie posters retrieved from https://www.facebook.com/SSFF2015

Its awesome to note that this experience - watching 11 short films all made by your fellow Iskos and Iskas in a span of two hours, while you munch on unlimited popcorn and cotton candy, was all for a humble amount of Php 40 pesos!

For most of us, we might think SSFF 2015 was for mere showcase or entertainment. To me however, I think that beyond the goal of entertaining, SSFF works at proving that being students of Sotech does not limit them from doing things that are out of their fields of study. Pretty much beyond what's expected of them. Kudos Sotech!

Now saan umabot ng 40 pesos ko last Wednesday? I’m sure you know. 

I bet you sure did wish you’ve seen it too ;)

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