Friday, April 17, 2015

Annoying Kinds of Friend

Life will not be complete without having friends. They make our life more exciting and extraordinary. Together we share unforgettable and crazy moments with them. Indeed, friends are the people we enjoy being with most of the time. 

            We are all aware that in a circle of friends, each has different personality and character. It may be the reason you love them more or perhaps made you pissed off most of the time. Sometimes the contrasting attitude made you ask why in the first place you are friends. These are some kinds of friends you have encountered or may have in the future. 


            There is a friend who is fond of being a leader in all places and at all times. There is that one friend who commands and orders everything he wants. He wants that his servants will come in his kingdom and give whatever he asks. Why would he make himself tired if he can just order around his servants, right?  Servants are the one who can never say “no” to the Highness’ order. They are frightened everytime the Highness asks for a favor.

 It’s quite annoying to think that in a circle of friends, servants are not being paid. The Highness always gets what he wants regardless of the situation. 

photo taken from


            This is the kind of friend that I know most of us would hate. The “politician” in a circle of friends is someone who likes to always have someone beside him. When he eats, you should accompany him. When he goes to the bathroom, you should follow him. When he has personal works to do, you should be with him. In short, no matter what he does, you should always be there. 

            It seems like these kinds of people have received death threats and needs to be protected all the time. I hate when people say that this kind of attitude means your friends loves being with you. But for me, it means being insensitive to your friend. At least asks when he or she has works left to be done. Don’t just said “Friend, accompany me” all the time. What’s more annoying is when he still insists although you already said “no”.


            We like hanging out with friends and we always look forward to our friends’ date. But what if your friend always comes late? You woke up early and prepared hurriedly so that you will arrive on the meeting place at the set time. It losses your excitement especially if the one you’re waiting just woke up. If there is a set time, make sure you arrive on time. It’s tiring to hear “sorry” most of the time. 

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            You can’t trust everyone even our friends. You’ll never know who’s going to betray you and talk behind our back. You are not sure what’s playing on their mind while wearing a smile in front of you. So, the best thing to do is to know what secrets to tell and not. It is already a human nature that people tend to spread rumors and sensitive topics to other people so be more careful. 

photo taken from


            Inconsistent friends are the one you can’t understand. You can’t conclude of who was really his circle of friends are. They tend to move from one place to another. Sometimes you might think that you are just his last option when no one’s around. They just suddenly came from nowhere after having fun with others. However, this is somehow advantage in a sense that you can develop relationship with others. But what makes this kind of friends annoying is when he only approaches you when he’s in need. 

            These are just some of friends that we may hate. Nevertheless, we always accept them because they are still our friends. The clashing of personality in a circle of friends is pretty normal. Keeping the strong bond of the friendship depends on how you handle your differences.

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