Thursday, April 30, 2015


When you ask adults of how they see teenagers nowadays, you will hear almost the same answer. Aggressive, that is how adults see kids nowadays. 

            Teenager being pregnant at an early age is no longer an explosive news to hear.  Even at the age of 12, some teenagers get pregnant because of their aggressiveness towards their feelings. It is also not a surprise that even a 7 year old child will have a romantic relationship towards his or her opposite sex. I just have watched a trending video of a first year high school couple proposal. I bet that whoever saw that video would say “Oh my God!” I can’t understand what’s running in their minds to do such brave and careless act. When I was in first year in high school, I was busy playing in the middle of the street until the sun sets. But here, all of the students are present in the so called “wedding proposal”. I find it annoying when the YOUNG GIRL was guided while blind folded. I wonder what would be the reaction of their parents when they saw the video. The YOUNG BOY has even kneeled down with a ring in his hand. I wonder what would the next generation be like. Its either they became more aggressive or return to the conservative one.

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 Only few children can be seen playing traditional Filipino games. Wherever you look, kids have mobile phone, tablets, ipod and other high tech gadgets. Also, it is ironic to think that many students absent from their classes but they are often present in disco and parties with drinks and cigarettes in their hands. Only few of the kids nowadays give importance on their studies. It seems like being with their peers and having someone to love becomes their top priority.

            Though this is so sad to think, but this is the reality. With our modernized world, people and their habits also changes. We can’t stop people from changing. As the saying goes “change is the only permanent in this world.” How we’re going to change depend on us may it be for the better or worst. But regardless of how we changed, we must be responsible for the consequences of our actions. 


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