Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sablay, at last: Seven years in the making

Photo from
After my thesis defense was done, some of the panelists especially those who knew about my extended stay in the university immediately said, "AK, ma graduate kanaguid" then tears started to pool in my eyes but nonetheless I was able to suppress the outpour since I was still standing in front of everyone. But my immediate reaction was to text my family and a few very close friends about the challenge surpassed and darn, I felt really good about myself. Can't help but be proud.
Thesis Defense "At Last" Faces. Photocredits: Dawn Castro

It may be a cliché but really, it was a whirlpool of emotions. Thesis defense has always attached itself the thoughts of graduation as it is judgment day for graduating students they say. And so as the graduation idea hits me: there's too much happiness and excitement but pressure as well for there were a few requirements
left to comply, all vital to graduate. The last week of

classes was both heaven and hell: a part of me

wanted a little celebration for hurdling THE thesis

but at the back of my mind, a lot more remaining

necessities needed to be addressed. I guess

Cramming should be my last name. So I had "nakaw moments” of a beer or two at some nights. I thought to myself, Hey, I deserve a little something at least. So why should I deprive myself of a single beer bottle and chocolates as my ultimate favorite combo?

Trophy is getting bigger. Haha!
In between drinks were thoughts of how my life would’ve been if I had not had my “trophy” in advance and how different it is this time that my very motivation is right before my eyes, sweetly slumbering, every time I work on a homework, project, blog or research. Such emotional rush that at times cripples the work but more often fires it up that you're some kind of a machine all geared up to finish assignments and whatnot. As a student momma, my working hours were from 10 PM to 3 AM. I never could've done it differently for when I opt to do it during the day and the little lady comes running to play horsey-horsey or build blocks of mini-tables for some tea-time, I just could not deny her of that simple pleasure. After all, everything I do is mainly for her. I guess this is what makes the life of a student momma from a usual university student different. Yes, we may work at the same wee hours of the morning but not because you have all the other work done on some free time during the day but because you had time to do things you want and save all the academic work later.  Then few hours after, all you worry about is not being able to have a shower because you overslept but ours would be getting up early again because no one else will bathe your little one, feed her, choose the right clothes for her to wear then drop her at some friend's house to babysit for the day or the neighbors if there's no one really. I will always remember rushing home whenever classes end because my little lady doesn't have any yaya to look after her. but thankful for my Nanay Bing, a teacher, who lets my daughter tag along just so I won't be troubled about going to school and my Tatay Carlo who at times sacrifices MahJong to put the not-so-baby anymore to sleep.
Eto muna for now. Graduation family pic soon!

Let this be a shout-out of thank you to my parents most especially and brother Franco for tirelessly supporting me since the surprise baby, up 'til now. My baby-daddy Rowe for everything you do for me and Tori and being errand boy to all my academic needs. My friends for the welcome distraction I need as a breather from the hectic academic life. My aunties Mila, Sr. Sol for financial support and prayers and encouragement.  Dulce, a great friend who have always believed in me and my talents (Hehe) and giving me raket opportunities. (Bugas-bugas para may pang gatas)
Photo from
 I have always believed that things, everything, happens for a reason and so, this is to us Nth year, among all the graduates who makes it on time, the dakilang-ina and huwarang studyante at the same time, hardworking students who look beyond themselves and see the greater need of the country of their presence and contribution and for the firm belief that it's not graduating on time, it's graduating when it's time. KUDOS! 

Thursday, May 28, 2015


This article is the last requirement I have to passed in my last semester here in UP. My hands are busily moving from one letter to the other wanting to finish this last yet most sincere article I will write. What makes this one different is that this will all sum up what I have been through for the past four years. 

            I have never thought that I could passed the UPCAT examination and entered this prestigious university. Even before our high school graduation, I have already perceived myself studying in one of the college schools in Aklan. When our principal announced that I have passed the examination, it felt like I have got all the winning numbers in lottery.
            I think what made me pursue to study in UP despite of the fact that my family needs to strive very hard in order to support all my needs are the criticisms that I have heard from the people around me. There is this one time that my mother was crying when she got home because some people have told her that my intelligence is useless. According to them, it is just a waste for her to even try sending me to school since we don’t have money. They said that I can never make use of intelligence since my family is poor. Despite of that, my family still pursued to send me in UP with an aim of proving not only to other people but to ourselves as well that poverty is indeed not a reason for someone to stuck at the bottom. With that goal in mind, my extraordinary journey in UP started. 
            Studying in UP is like being free from a long years of staying in prison. Having a strict parents who most of the time remind you that women should just stay at home and learn all the household works. Everyday you have to follow the house rules such as being at home when the clock strikes at 5pm unless you want to get scolded for the whole night. This kind of living taught me to never easily trust anyone even though I have known them for a long time. And unlike any other students, I have never felt homesick since I have started studying here. And that has become my strength to stand all the hardships that I have been to.

how we look four years ago hehehe

            In UP, I have learned how to deal with different people having various personalities. Some of which I have once cursed and hated and there are some that I have secretly admired.  Several attitude and characteristic of people inside the campus will make your UP life more interesting. You will get to hear the latest and burning gossips that sometimes will give you goosebumps. I have witnessed people having explosive fight by just using their mouths which I admired the most. UP students are very expert when it comes on expressing their anger through their words. Well, for me it is better than having a physical fight (hehehe). 

Powerpuff Girls Live Action

            What makes my UP life interesting are the friends that I have all this time. Friends that sometimes I envy because of the luxury they are enjoying. But still I am blessed since unlike other people, status in life do not matter on them. We have stand the test of times together. A circle of friends that you are going to share experiences and create moments with even after college. 

Miagao Tulad Family :)

            If it is hard to passed the examination and enter UP, the harder it is to get your way out. I have cried for so many times because of the school works and exams especially during hell weeks. I even came to the point where I asked myself “what the hell I am doing here?” especially when I have financial problems. But it made me think that the school I have entered is incomparable to others in terms of the benefits I can get when I finally entered the real world. 

hi Lars.. :P

`           I can already say that I have achieved my goal of proving to other people that my brain is not useless just because my family is poor. I have survived having a maximum allowance of 500 pesos per week. It has never been an easy battle for me since I have faced number of obstacles. Problems were my mortal enemies all these years that sometimes fallen me apart. However having a family who I can always lean on boasted my confidence and faith that I can make it. 

            And to end this article, my UP journey is all WORTH IT!         

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Selfie (The First and Last of its Kind)

Nowadays, it's pretty hard to watch a sitcom that'll really hook you up with the best giggles and laughs. Ever since 'How I Met Your Mother' ended it seems like the love for watching sitcoms had died down too and now the dawning end of 'Big Bang Theory' is coming too so what will happen to our sitcom cravings? Luckily ABC (the home of "Modern Family) made this super addictive tv show, "Selfie". Selfie is not just your usual run in the mill type of sitcom. It's very modern and it's basically what every tech savy person would love to watch.

But before anything else I would like to inform you that Selfie did not renew it's contract with their network and they only have 1 season so if you find yourself super unsatisfied and craving for more well you just have to re-watch the whole thing over and over again until you get tired and finally tell yourself that 'ok 1 season is enough'. *But really though you will crave for another season!

I believe that you should never judge a show based on it's title. And as much as some would argue that the title is very 'watch-ruining', you should really give this show a chance. It's a great eye opener to all of the unconscious slaves of technology, the hyper instagram user and ultra talkative and loud twitter user. But as puke-enticing the title of the show is fortunately they redefined what the entire show would look like. First of all it was just named Selfie because of the main character's addiction to well selfies.

So to simply get you into watching this show I've listed down 4 awesome things to look forward to.


1. Eliza Dooley played by Karen Gillan. She's definitely not your usual dumb blonde main lead because first she's a ginger and second she ain't dumb. She was actually a nerd and when you watch the first episode you'll find out how she became the quirky, confident, blunt and super easy to fall for character.  But there's more to her than being the loud and confident girl, as the story of the show progresses so does her character and it's all because of the help of Mr. Henry. *spoiler alert her couple line with Henry is totes 'kilig' worthy.

2. The Asian opposite main lead. Sorry if I might sound racist but finally a show where a Korean guy becomes the male lead :D You may have known him from "Harold and Kumar" as the shy, formal and up tight Harold and just like in that film he is also formal, classy and very very uptight in Selfie. He balances the energy that Eliza exudes. Plus you might find it weird but their chemistry is just super duper adorbs. Henry is an old soul type of guy who prefers the traditional and natural way of doing things which shocks Eliza and in return he gets surprised with the technology that we have nowadays. 


3. The OST. Seriously, the music is really on point. Actually the first thing that caught my attention was their choice of music. Which songs to use in each moment. I especially loved the part when they played 'Iris' by Goo goo Dolls because Eliza was having a flashback of her prom night it was really simple but very emotional well to me. There was also that fun moment when Sharmonique's son played a K-pop song for Henry because he was Korean *yes another racist joke. And finally that heart wrenching moment when Eliza sang her version of Sia's monster hit "Chandelier". Too much tears.

4. The Jokes. They don't have to try hard to make everything they say funny because each character in the show have a unique trait that makes it funny for them to even exist on the show. They're plain and simple punch lines that anyone could easily laugh along with.

Even with all these amazing points sadly "Selfie" did not appeal to the masses just because of its title and it was unfortunate because even when a lot of fans petitioned for the show to continue they simply obliged and uploaded episodes 8-12 online for the benefit of the fans. It's sad but at least we got to witness something new to watch and nevertheless the fun of the show is still there when you watch it. The humor is simple and clear, the story line isn't as tacky as one would think and finally the romance is quite unpredictable so if you're craving for a one stop, laughter filled show, you should definitely check out 'Selfie'.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Last Day of Summer, say goodbye to Phineas and Ferb this June!

"~There's 104 days of summer vacation and school comes along just to end it. So the annual problem for our generation  is finding a good way to spend it. Like Maybe...~" 

Can you hear the song in your head? Yeah! It's Phineas and Ferb!

Growing up, we all had our favorite cartoon shows. One of those was Disney’s Phineas and Ferb. This cartoon series is set in an American suburbia. It is about two young brothers who, out of summer boredom, invents these wild amazing things at their backyard. They have an older sister, Candice, who wants them to get busted (because of their crazy inventions). They also have a secret agent for a pet – Perry the Platypus with an arch nemesis Dr. Doofenshmirtz, an ‘evil’ mad scientist. 

Have I even mention that is cartoon is a musical comedy? They have awesome songs!  If you’re cool like me, you’ve probably loved this series too.

Surprise, surprise! There was a special episode aired last February.  In this particular episode, we get to see them FINALLY as teenagers! Disney’s Phineas and Ferb’s: “Act your age” was a special Valentine episode.

At long last! Photo credits:

The show is running for almost five (5) years having them stay the same age and not growing up. For the show, they are always in summer vacations. Making them anachronistic. Being that said, to have an episode dedicated on them being teens, going to college, and more especially confirming the romance between the characters, was the best possible episode of this year.

Some fans even thought that it was the final episode of the show but a tweet from the creators, Dan Povenmire and Jeff ‘Swampy’ Marsh, denied it saying that it was just a special Valentine’s episode. Though Dan did admit in a Disney Insider interview that “Act Your Age” is one of his favorite episodes ever: “I’ll always consider it to be the emotional finale to the series. It ties up the big emotion thing which is Phineas and Isabella.” Swampy added that this is where they’ve been going all along.

The idea of having this episode was from the tons of fan mails received by the creators to have an episode for the relationship of Isabella and Phineas and all of them basically “growing up”. Remember that this show has run for almost five (5) years. Its fans are already teens by today more or less. Some are now going to college this fall. Well, the creators did not disappoint.

Nice job Ferb! Photo credits:

It's been a good five years of "summer" for us kids and kids at heart but all things must come to an end. Last May 7, 2015, it was officially announced that the series has wrapped up after four seasons. There will be a final hour-long episode titled "Last Day of Summer" that will premiere on June 12, 2015 on Disney XD, simulcast on Disney Channel. 

If you are saddened by this news, I'm sorry! But tell you what, don't be sad just yet! There will be a 73-hour marathon of the show that will begin on Disney XD on June 9, 2015! It was also announced that a stand-alone hour-long special titled "The O.W.C.A. Files" will premiere in fall 2015!

Maybe it's true that we need to put childish things away now and "grow up". But don't let "life" depress you and snatch all the dreams you had. Being a grown up means you can now have the chance to make your dreams come true. Isn't it kinda sweet of a deal?

Deep inside I believe that there is magic in being a kid. Genuine happiness is found in blissful innocence. The things that we have learned, done, and felt as a child can never be replaced in our memories. They were building blocks on which our lives are built upon. 

I hope you had a great childhood. I hope you won't forget the Disney magic. I hope that in your heart you live on as a child. Cinderella's fairy godmother best said it: "see the world not as it is but as it could be, if only you believe in courage and kindness, and occasionally just a little bit of magic." Something like that. :)

I'd be happy to know what you feel about this, comment them below!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Escapism: Why Beachin' Is Love

This academic calendar shift is sure taking its toll on me. One thing's for sure, when this is all over, I'll be heading my way to the beach for some reasons. 

1.) The view will always be breathtaking and a decrease in your stress level is a guarantee. Going to the beach every once in a while is definitely good for the mind, body and soul. Sometimes, there's just this need of being away from the place where the stress is. For someone who lives in the city, a different scenario like the beach seems nothing but paradise at first sight. So never EVER hesitate to ditch that work or THESIS (for a college student like me) even for just a day or half a day. Trust me, it can do wonders!

2.) All else is just fascinating. It could either be something that you have seen before but not always. Moreover, feeling the sand under your feet can be quite relaxing, don't you think? With an estimated 100,000 - 200,000 exteroceptors in the sole of each foot, walking them over those tiny grains can be stimulating and strengthening for the feet.

3.) You'll be amazed of what you can find. Like this sand dollar and seashell! If you're that kind of person who loves keeping memories then there's no better way in remembering a place other than a free souvenir. It's free gold, my friends!

4.) It keeps you moving without even trying. When the water is as clear and tempting as this, I doubt that all you'll ever do is stare at it. A liesurely swim isn't the limit even. Going back to reason # 2, a good walk by the shore under the sun is nonetheless a good idea if you don't mind the tan.

5.) Or it can make you do the craziest things. Like cliff diving even if the pool is more than seven feet deep.  

Sometimes it just feels like you're in another world. Even the people whom you are with at that time will seem so much happier. No matter what time of the year it is, the beach still has its magic. 

(Photos are taken at Guimaras and Concepcion, Iloilo.)

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Common Enemy

Every person has an enemy or someone he or she aren’t in good terms of. People hate someone for some definite reasons. There is nothing wrong with having enemies because having misunderstandings and conflicts with other people is normal. It is even normal that sometimes we have to confront them and set the fire for the war. Everyone has reason for hating and holding grudge towards other people. I mean, we can never tell who’s right and wrong without knowing the whole story. But perhaps, we can tell of who are kind of people we usually hate. Here are some of them:

1.      The Chameleon

      These are the people that are experts in blending in our crowd to gather confidential information to share to everyone. Usually, they are sometimes the people we often referred to as “friends”. When these specie is with you, they possess a very bright and pleasing colors that cover his true identity. He/she often used this ability to protect himself/herself and let the other animals be in risk. However, when alone, his or her true color suddenly appears.

2.      The Amnesia Girl/Boy

These are the people who often suffer from short term memory loss. When he or she needs something from you, it seems like you two know each other before even heavens allowed your existence. Ironically, when he/she needs nothings from you, he/she will suddenly feel dizzy and can’t even remember even your name. There are a lot of people who have this kind of illness and sometimes it can be passed on to other people.

photo from

3.      The Commander

These are the people who are fond of giving orders yet not doing anything. Well, maybe giving tasks and sitting comfortably is his or her expertise. This kind of person usually can be found in group works and team assignments. If we encounter this kind of leader, how hard it is for all the members of the group. If ever you are this kind of person, don’t even dare to call yourself a leader. A leader leads the actions and not just opens his/her mouth and point fingers to his/her members. 


These are just some of the people we often hate but I bet there are a lot more annoying people we have encountered. Having enemies is normal for a human being because we interact with other people every day. There are people that sometimes we cannot deal and bear to be with. However, when we hate other people we should also learn how to forgive them in right time. We must be open for the possibility that they can change into a better one.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Because Mothers' Day: Motherhood summed up in funny photos. Send one to your mom!

Anyone – well actually, everyone – would brag about their respective moms as the bestEST mother in the entire universe. Guess what? You’re right. Apparently, each of us (that includes me, really) claiming to have the best mom in the world is absolutely right because every mom’s struggle is different and there is no standard measure of what and how can one be a mother – there comes in the beauty of individuality correlated to unique mommy ventures and misadventures as well.

Today, we celebrate every woman who were essentially instrumental in the continuation of life and are truly responsible for children too awesome like us. Yep, just like you and me. So it’s no surprise that your Facebook, twitter and Google+ accounts are flooded with mothers’ day phots tagging other mommies, timeline posts of greetings or changing of profile pictures with the star of the day, the mother. However, it saddening at some point because it is but today that we only take a while to notice or mothers or pay attention to their very being mainly because we are so used to having them. Not to mention that probably – well, I think – most of these posts are superficial because in reality you can’t even say I love you to your mom. Talk about joining the bandwagon, huh?
As a new member of the mommy club, the last two years were a whirlwind of emotions and a hundred tons of experience that basically changes everything, really. Because when you’re a mother, you always put your children first before you. Cliché as it is but truer than forever.
In celebrating every mother, here are funny memes about motherhood that touch on parenting realities but more often, we miss to see. Most, I could relate to. 

Happy Mothers’ Day, fellow mommas! Keep rocking!

Well, it all starts with this...

Then, sleepless nights get in the picture... What a lovely picture it makes. 

Bam! Reality strikes and bites and munches on you like a hungry lion. 

But you get reasons to pig out... Valid reasons.

You learn ninja moves, too!

But then again, 

Before you realize it, motherhood takes over and takes charge.. of EVERYTHING. 

Your kids surprise you, too. 

At times, well all the time actually, you get toddlered. 

Contradictory to what society thinks we do,

And what some think to themselves too. (This got me ROFL)

And some days you get some treat. and that's a shower!

here's more:

But  at the end of the day,

Actually, that should be SOMEONE. 

So cheers to all the mommy/nanay/ina/mama out there! Because even if the struggle is too real, we can still put our red lipsticks on!