Sablay, at last: Seven years in the making

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After my thesis defense was done, some of the panelists especially those who knew about my extended stay in the university immediately said, "AK, ma graduate kanaguid" then tears started to pool in my eyes but nonetheless I was able to suppress the outpour since I was still standing in front of everyone. But my immediate reaction was to text my family and a few very close friends about the challenge surpassed and darn, I felt really good about myself. Can't help but be proud.
Thesis Defense "At Last" Faces. Photocredits: Dawn Castro

It may be a cliché but really, it was a whirlpool of emotions. Thesis defense has always attached itself the thoughts of graduation as it is judgment day for graduating students they say. And so as the graduation idea hits me: there's too much happiness and excitement but pressure as well for there were a few requirements
left to comply, all vital to graduate. The last week of

classes was both heaven and hell: a part of me

wanted a little celebration for hurdling THE thesis

but at the back of my mind, a lot more remaining

necessities needed to be addressed. I guess

Cramming should be my last name. So I had "nakaw moments” of a beer or two at some nights. I thought to myself, Hey, I deserve a little something at least. So why should I deprive myself of a single beer bottle and chocolates as my ultimate favorite combo?

Trophy is getting bigger. Haha!
In between drinks were thoughts of how my life would’ve been if I had not had my “trophy” in advance and how different it is this time that my very motivation is right before my eyes, sweetly slumbering, every time I work on a homework, project, blog or research. Such emotional rush that at times cripples the work but more often fires it up that you're some kind of a machine all geared up to finish assignments and whatnot. As a student momma, my working hours were from 10 PM to 3 AM. I never could've done it differently for when I opt to do it during the day and the little lady comes running to play horsey-horsey or build blocks of mini-tables for some tea-time, I just could not deny her of that simple pleasure. After all, everything I do is mainly for her. I guess this is what makes the life of a student momma from a usual university student different. Yes, we may work at the same wee hours of the morning but not because you have all the other work done on some free time during the day but because you had time to do things you want and save all the academic work later.  Then few hours after, all you worry about is not being able to have a shower because you overslept but ours would be getting up early again because no one else will bathe your little one, feed her, choose the right clothes for her to wear then drop her at some friend's house to babysit for the day or the neighbors if there's no one really. I will always remember rushing home whenever classes end because my little lady doesn't have any yaya to look after her. but thankful for my Nanay Bing, a teacher, who lets my daughter tag along just so I won't be troubled about going to school and my Tatay Carlo who at times sacrifices MahJong to put the not-so-baby anymore to sleep.
Eto muna for now. Graduation family pic soon!

Let this be a shout-out of thank you to my parents most especially and brother Franco for tirelessly supporting me since the surprise baby, up 'til now. My baby-daddy Rowe for everything you do for me and Tori and being errand boy to all my academic needs. My friends for the welcome distraction I need as a breather from the hectic academic life. My aunties Mila, Sr. Sol for financial support and prayers and encouragement.  Dulce, a great friend who have always believed in me and my talents (Hehe) and giving me raket opportunities. (Bugas-bugas para may pang gatas)
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 I have always believed that things, everything, happens for a reason and so, this is to us Nth year, among all the graduates who makes it on time, the dakilang-ina and huwarang studyante at the same time, hardworking students who look beyond themselves and see the greater need of the country of their presence and contribution and for the firm belief that it's not graduating on time, it's graduating when it's time. KUDOS! 


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