I call myself Helga. Full name? Helen Grace. My parents never gave me that nickname and my friends don’t even call me that. It just sprouted out of the blue because of my excessive fondness over classy sartorialism. Helga sounds elegant so I really like it when people call me by that name.

     Like what I said, I’m so fond of classy sartorialism. But what sets me apart from other fashion enthusiasts is my advocacy for budget-wise style. I have the ability to combine surplus goodies to make myself look like I just came out of a high-end magazine. I’m not saying that I’m the only one who knows how to do that thing. There exists a fraction of the population who know how to utilize resources in order to look good and I’m proud to be a part of it. I live by the fashion principle that style is not about the price of what you wear but the quality and how you wear it.

     Styling comes with creativity. Not only do I apply this ability in fashion, but it also comes in handy in graphic arts and other things I’m (self-proclaimed) good at. My skills in graphic art are often praised, probably because of my minimalist approach to design instead of the tacky glitters and uncoordinated colors kind of style. I prefer simplicity and elegance when it comes to my works. It makes me feel at ease looking at parallel lines and figures and monochromatic colors (such weirdo, I know).

      Other facts about me involves a lot of lifestyle related stuff and pop culture. I love eating. (Who doesn’t?) I love travelling, especially if it’s to experience festivals in different places. I’m so fond of K-POP music and the people in it too, and the Korean culture. Soul music is such a saviour and Blue Swede is love. You may not really see it but I’m a big fan of the Marvel Comics. Like I could narrate Tony Stark’s life story or the whole storyline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in my sleep.

     Other than that I’m still figuring out what else I can do or what else I like at the moment. Maybe I’ll get hooked with alien theories. Who knows?

     Contact me through INSTAGRAMTWITTER and FACEBOOK.
     Also, if you're an EXO-L, check out my EXO appreciation blog HELGAKIM on Tumblr!



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