When we are asked of what is our favorite food, many of us would probably answer desserts, fried chicken, or the specialty dish of your much-loved restaurants. These are the food that not all people can taste. 

However, a young boy named Erwin living in Bongabong, Mindoro Oriental has a rare pick on his favorite food. Unlike any other children, he chooses to love rice over other dish. In the television documentary of I-Witness in titled “Daang Ilog” hosted by Kara David, Erwin together with other children earn for a living through delivering agricultural products such as banana, coconut and etc. Every day, they have to walk for 1 hour and cross the river for two hours while riding on a life bouy with their products tied. 
photo taken from GMA News Online
The water is not deep but the current is too strong that sometimes lead them to fall. They have to do this twice a week in order to help their families. In every kilo of agricultural products they carry is being paid for only 1 peso. This simply implies that they have to carry heavier products to be paid of bigger amount. 

No wonder that Eric would love to eat rice. In a kind of situation they had, wherein it is already a big miracle for them to eat rice every day, what else could he dream of? To eat rice what can satisfy him and no more. Maybe, he might never know what desserts are or what “chicken joy” means. Eric as a simple and innocent young child would even define rice as his favorite food.  


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