Parapasundayag man ta’ton ah: Sharing limelight with the stars, just almost.

Like all the other celebrations, be it week-long or just a day, you somehow qualify an event to its degree of success on how it ends. The recently concluded University week of UP Visayas nevertheless had its own little happy ending just like how they call it in fairytales. 
Jam-packed UPV covered court awaiting for the performances


        But because we aren’t living in a far, far away kingdom (although UP Miag-ao is relatively far 
we are then met by the realities of dancing Chancellor,Vice-chancellor and College Deans, 
pa-Macho Man faculties and all-out performance by administrative staff we barely see in the duration of our academic lives. Given the stage to own, ramp on or molest (pun intended), faculty and staff or various colleges and departments had their own share in putting V in ictory of this year’s PASUNDAYAG: OPM VARIETY SHOW.


CAS Peformance. 1st place, Pasundayag 2015

      The show, which was a part of the last string of activities for the University Week held on Friday, February 27, was indeed “bombastic” using the words of Doc Zoi when asked about his impression of the show itself. As one of the sniggering audience, I enjoyed the merriment of participants’ experimentation of their selves or among themselves trying to fit in the criteria of variety show in the beat of Original Pinoy Music. In the end, the red group led by the CAS won the cash prize of 15,000php (no biggie).

      The most yelled at for cheers and shout outs made by the crowd were of course shared by the lead characters of the respective variety shows and indeed they deserved the applause. Unlike the usual when one’s attention is mostly or only drawn to the protagonists of the show, my eyes indulged and gave own limelight to those who stayed at the sidelines yet danced and sang their hearts (and lungs and liver almost) - they were sweating like pigs, gave their “all” (in layman’s term, bira-bira, hataw-hataw ah!) - for the group’s piece. At one point I thought they were cute, but ‘ya know, 
the funny kind of cute. 

Ala una...

Alas dos...

Alas tres...



     I tried to categorize these performers as to their “attitude” on stage. Of course to most of us they’d be nobody but since they got my attention, that’s a point to qualify as somebody.


      So there would be people who probably don’t mind if they were the one cheered at or just because they were part of the group (I don’t give a deym type). 

       I can say she shares same thoughts as the guy above.

There’s that optimist ­type, I-can-be-discovered dude/gal. Okay then, persistence is the key.You go girl!
Confusions, confusions

     Also, there’s the let’s-get-this-over-with-now-na who does the moves his own way, never mind the music and sync.

      There also can be the kung hindi lang ni gin require ni boss, hindi ko pagpakahuy-an self ko­ mantra. All for the job to keep!

       Regardless of however you categorize them, or generalize these back-up performers, one thing’s for sure – they may not be show stealers like the ABSolutely sexy Mr. Primavera and your eyes may never lay on them once more once you saw the group on stage but the routine and the number, bombastic or not, shall never be the same without them. After all, Cinderella would never be Cinderella without those mice.

      For these awesome people, please do what the hosts’ card says so. Thanks!


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