A Booger Kind of Blog

Tiniest Octopus/photo from buzzfeed.com
There’s the infamous Team Kramer, then there’s a crammer. That’s me. I’m the live-at-the moment kind of gal but it seems that I take it too literally that instead of finding myself enjoying a Mang Juan snack and Dalandan juice over Family Guy reruns or insert something productive here, here I am putting my thoughts together, inviting the element of surprise to spice up my writing (and keep you reading, of course) while trying my hardest to concentrate when there’s a tot beside my study table tangled up in my netbook charger.

As cute as this tot all wrapped up in wires is your blogger (aye aye) and so the blogs will be! Okay, for want of a better word, let’s go for delightful. Easy breezy, all-in feels. I shall (all hopes) imbibe in this blog your aawwwwss and oohhhsss upon reading entries relatable to. Light, informative reading that will keep us on our toes and remind us that after all, we live at the very same soil. Not that we’ll talk about locations (spare me geography, not my game) but we’ll stick to theatrics. Something to remind us that there is struggle if you haven’t recognized it yet – may that be within yourself (debating whether to go for Buffalo Chicken pizza sticks or Taco Quesadila flavored pizza, yep!) or in the environment itself (Why you have to go to school when it’s raining not just cats and dogs but lions and wolves. No, Why? Really?) – and that you can conquer it all at the same time like your trying-to-be blogger/unica hija / student/ momma /momprenuer (That means micro-businesses online and on hand! Yes! $$$$$$)

As a young Mamita who’s still in college as Nth year, we’ll talk about survival tips as well as a student and just when your plans (and goals to butt in the bigat and serious factor) didn’t work out just like how mine got all mixed up and joggled with such an undeniable surprise of life. Like I said, I was the live-at-the-moment type but throughout the 23 years of not-so-significant existence, (except for my group mates in classes where I’m the eldest and I do all the work) plans work out. Well most of the time, so we gotta keep them handy.

Photo from teacuppiggies.com 
Handy as plans we’ll be our conversations. Anything and a little bit of matters about Plan B, mompreneur diskarte to earn and learn because you can’t always ask your parents for money (since you got your allowance waaay advance and your already broke by the second week of the month), healthy meals ageless like the Cerelac snacks shared with the little ones (you know how yummy the banana flavor is even by its smell), practicality in school to home to play. Don’t you want to play? We’ll play as funky and scuzzy as kids when they pick their noses and booger it out. Like how I aim this blog would be, the booger type that sticks with you until the end, even when you try to get rid of it. Haha!


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