A Brighter Look

We are being bombarded with so many bad and heart breaking news and stories. There are numerous crimes committed everyday and sometimes done by people that we never imagined could do. Every day there are people dying because of hunger caused by poverty. Thus, in different parts of the world are numbers of innocent sufferings of children who have been trapped in a building after an earthquake or been buried due to landslide. With these phenomenons, we see the world as a dangerous and full of pains. However, life is more than that. Everything that happens has its purpose and reasons. We just need to see to the brighter side of the story.
            In television documentaries like I-Witness which I often watch most of the topics are heavy and sometimes will make your heart ache. They usually feature uncivilized places, people, situations and historical facts which are unknown for many of us. Watching and reflecting to these topics sometimes makes me feel guilty of so many things. However, looking at the smaller picture of the story hidden are beautiful things that not all people will recognize.
            This blog aims to state the positive and brighter side of the situation presented in a certain television documentary. I want my readers to appreciate the beauty within these difficult scenarios. We tend to conclude that there’s nothing beautiful in the life of those poor people. We can’t see the beauty on it because we choose to keep our eyes blind folded to the things that needs for a closer look. There is beauty in everything and that is what I believe. It depends on how people open their minds in a more affirmative way.
            Was death a nightmare-like concept? Does life then goes the same way? It’s for you to decide. But I always hold unto my principle that difficult situations are also the beautiful ones.  


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