A Musically Charged Night

Life really is dull without music, isn’t it?

Whenever, wherever or whatever you may be doing, the beat and rhythm of your favorite songs reflect the situation or mood you are in. Feeling happy? Play something upbeat, dance-y and funky music brother! Being down in the dumps, friend? A mix of emotionally charged lyrics and heavy instrumentals are your company. It accompanies you throughout your life, music. And thank the heavens for this wonderful gift.

So it was one “summer-is-coming-weather” Wednesday night here in UPV Miagao when music was showcased to the students, in the image of the UPV Music Club. Only created last semester, the UPVMC-as it’s called- aims to tap the creative minds of the students through their projects of producing videos of song covers and eventually, create and record an album containing all original composition of its members.

Photo Courtesy of UPV Music Club
It was a special night for the organization, because that Wednesday night of February 25 marked UPVMC’s first ever concert for the UPV community. It was held at the UPV Miagao covered court as a part of the week-long celebration of the school’s university week. Headed by the org’s founder Rhett Sean Pomares, they played songs ranging from OPM covers to Original compositions of its members. The concert evoked a casual, laidback night best enjoyed with friends, laughter and a bottle or two; a perfect atmosphere for the students to relax and enjoy a little for the otherwise busy and stressful school days.

May it be under star filled skies, a smoky, chaotic live-house, a stadium or the comforts of home, music will always help us get through the days to come. With talents being developed by organizations such as the UPV Music Club, expect music-filled years will still come to sing lullaby’s to our souls.

Logo Courtesy of UPV Music Club

Let the music flow within you my good man.


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