Selfie (The First and Last of its Kind)

Nowadays, it's pretty hard to watch a sitcom that'll really hook you up with the best giggles and laughs. Ever since 'How I Met Your Mother' ended it seems like the love for watching sitcoms had died down too and now the dawning end of 'Big Bang Theory' is coming too so what will happen to our sitcom cravings? Luckily ABC (the home of "Modern Family) made this super addictive tv show, "Selfie". Selfie is not just your usual run in the mill type of sitcom. It's very modern and it's basically what every tech savy person would love to watch.

But before anything else I would like to inform you that Selfie did not renew it's contract with their network and they only have 1 season so if you find yourself super unsatisfied and craving for more well you just have to re-watch the whole thing over and over again until you get tired and finally tell yourself that 'ok 1 season is enough'. *But really though you will crave for another season!

I believe that you should never judge a show based on it's title. And as much as some would argue that the title is very 'watch-ruining', you should really give this show a chance. It's a great eye opener to all of the unconscious slaves of technology, the hyper instagram user and ultra talkative and loud twitter user. But as puke-enticing the title of the show is fortunately they redefined what the entire show would look like. First of all it was just named Selfie because of the main character's addiction to well selfies.

So to simply get you into watching this show I've listed down 4 awesome things to look forward to.


1. Eliza Dooley played by Karen Gillan. She's definitely not your usual dumb blonde main lead because first she's a ginger and second she ain't dumb. She was actually a nerd and when you watch the first episode you'll find out how she became the quirky, confident, blunt and super easy to fall for character.  But there's more to her than being the loud and confident girl, as the story of the show progresses so does her character and it's all because of the help of Mr. Henry. *spoiler alert her couple line with Henry is totes 'kilig' worthy.

2. The Asian opposite main lead. Sorry if I might sound racist but finally a show where a Korean guy becomes the male lead :D You may have known him from "Harold and Kumar" as the shy, formal and up tight Harold and just like in that film he is also formal, classy and very very uptight in Selfie. He balances the energy that Eliza exudes. Plus you might find it weird but their chemistry is just super duper adorbs. Henry is an old soul type of guy who prefers the traditional and natural way of doing things which shocks Eliza and in return he gets surprised with the technology that we have nowadays. 


3. The OST. Seriously, the music is really on point. Actually the first thing that caught my attention was their choice of music. Which songs to use in each moment. I especially loved the part when they played 'Iris' by Goo goo Dolls because Eliza was having a flashback of her prom night it was really simple but very emotional well to me. There was also that fun moment when Sharmonique's son played a K-pop song for Henry because he was Korean *yes another racist joke. And finally that heart wrenching moment when Eliza sang her version of Sia's monster hit "Chandelier". Too much tears.

4. The Jokes. They don't have to try hard to make everything they say funny because each character in the show have a unique trait that makes it funny for them to even exist on the show. They're plain and simple punch lines that anyone could easily laugh along with.

Even with all these amazing points sadly "Selfie" did not appeal to the masses just because of its title and it was unfortunate because even when a lot of fans petitioned for the show to continue they simply obliged and uploaded episodes 8-12 online for the benefit of the fans. It's sad but at least we got to witness something new to watch and nevertheless the fun of the show is still there when you watch it. The humor is simple and clear, the story line isn't as tacky as one would think and finally the romance is quite unpredictable so if you're craving for a one stop, laughter filled show, you should definitely check out 'Selfie'.


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