Childhood is the most unforgettable stage in our life. We did stupid and witty things together with our clingy childhood friends. We have experiences which can never be done again as we grow up. We met people that had once become the reason for our happiness and enjoyment most of the time. We underwent extraordinary circumstances that make us laugh as we try to remember what exactly happened that time. These things have made our childhood a memorable one. 
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We used to play Chinese garter, limbo rack, tumbang preso, taksi and other traditional Pinoy games when online games don’t exist in our to do list. We never cared for how many hours have passed since we escaped from our homes and ran to the streets. Our parents would usually tell us to have a siesta which we really did hate. Because of this, we have learned how to act as if we’re sleeping. We were experts in performing the ninja technique of walking without making any noise. 
We are indeed the best actors and actresses during our childhood years. We knew how to pretend sleeping so that our parents would carry us to our bed.

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I’m sure that almost all of us had experienced using a leaf as a plate. In our time, there was a junk food labelled as “pancit canton” which we placed in a leaf and stayed under a huge tree. We used to hang our blankets on the tree to build our house where we cooked using cooking utensil toys. We even made our friends as our family, which started from a simple and cute wedding celebration of the selected couple. Our dolls were also part of the family and we usually called them “baby”. 
Who could forget those dramatic moments when we cry because of not being able to swim in the river or sea? There were even times when we insisted to swim and ended up running fast as we saw our parents with a thick and long stick in hand. We’ve been very close to our pillows everytime we used them as a shield. We’ve been also closed to the corners of our house since they were our favorite spots everytime we hide to our parents. 
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These are just some of the many childhood memories that most of us have experienced. These experiences have made us realize that we were once young and free. We think of nothing except from playing games and enjoying life. We are not stress as compare to what we are experiencing as of now. However, we have to grow up and that is the reality we can never deny. Our childhood is actually a reminder that there are so much more about life that we should appreciate and enjoy. As long as we have time to celebrate and pleasure ourselves with the gift of life, we must never hesitate to do it. Time passes so fast, in just a blink of an eye, everything can change. 
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