Say “NO!” to PDA

Couples tend to become sweet and clingy to each other. Of course, it’s their way of expressing their love that some people may not understand. However, what isn’t right is to show this affection to the public. Yes, we do understand that you are madly in love with each other but is it necessary for you to let everybody see your sweetness? 

            I have nothing against those people holding each other hands coz that’s given. I am not also bitter to those people who have relationship because I also have one. What I want to emphasize here is that there is always a right time in a right place to express your love to each other. 
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            A common scenario in public utility vehicle would be a woman sleeping in the leg of his man while stretching her body towards the other passengers. Instead of having an enough space for everybody to sit comfortably, other passengers suffer with only half their butt sitting. You should think that you are all paying fairly and it isn’t just your woman who is tired and wanted to take a nap. There are other passengers who are more exhausted from their work rather than the two of you who just went from a date. Look around you and see whether the other passengers are please to what you are doing. 

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          Even the church has also become a dating place of some couples. You can see couples beside the church sitting on benches and tickling each other though there are lot of vacant seats inside. Do you go to church to pray for your salvation or to just have time to display your undeniable love for each other in public? There are lot of dating places, please spare the home of God. Be inspired of those couples who enter the church and pray together. 

            The most popular dating place is of course the school. School is a place where students study for their future. It isn’t a place for couples to learn where and when to spare time to cuddle with each other. Please make sure that the next time you do it, there are no people around. 

            These are just some of the many places where couple show their deep affection to each other. It is not wrong to express your love to each other because it is normal for people who feel love. But make sure that you choose where and when to express it (love) because not all places are for dating. And most of all, not all people will like when you publicly display your affection 

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