Yes. Finally after 4 freaking years, i'mma say tata' to this place. I hate saying goodbye because I don't usually say good bye i just disappear like what's the point about being sentimental right? LOL. I may be a cry baby and I might cry during graduation bu that doesn't mean it's because I'm so attached with UP and that i'm bidding good bye but it's more of the 'OMG this is graduation imma cry' kind of tears. 

First of all I am very thankful to this institution because I met the most amazing people in the world and I might not meet these kinds of people in the future, each and every single person I've made contact with in the university had made an impact on me. I've heard once from an alumni saying that it's not really the memories inside of the classroom that you remember heck  the lessons you learn but the experience that you cherish the most happens outside of the campus. In her own words 'daw side line lang ya pag kadto sa AS'. Haha and in a way I think I agree with her. All those crazy nights I've spent with my friends outside of the campus (which I will not mention), the impromptu let's go to 'sari-sari' or 'angel's' cause i'm so freaking hungry, the sleep over at my group mate's house because of a crazy project to make and the craziest would be the guerilla shoots for prod class.

So to simplify things, I will list down the places that I will miss the most. *Cue At the beginning and let the feels flow:

1. HOLWAN. It was my first home and it made me feel like one too. All of the amazing friends I met there will always be close to my heart. All of the memories I will cherish. 

2. ISBL. Yes as a CMS student this place hold so much near death experiences because you just don't know what'll happen during the production. Oh the memories and all the 'bangag' moment! 

3. Tiangge. For some people who can locate this place that means you've been here once or might have died here once haha. For my last year here in UP, this place became the happiest place on earth for me. I forgot all my worries and just let loose all night 'till the break of dawn.

I might have only chosen 3 but every single location here in Miag-ao that i've entered had a made such a big impact on my life. It was a great 4 years stay. It's sad to say goodbye but it is called 'good' bye so let's focus on the good :D.


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