'Twas a Wild Ride

Goodbyes are hard.

And by goodbyes, I mean the concept of letting go, of setting free what once we have, knowing that it will never come back, that the only thing you can remember things by is through fragments of memories; times of laughter, sadness, hardships and everything in between.

It doesn’t matter if you said goodbye to a loved one, a pet you have raised, friends and families, or of material things that have given you solace in this world. The bottom line is, saying your goodbye, is a real pain in the… you know what I mean.

However, saying goodbyes can be a good thing. Things that have been weighing you down can no longer be there, replacing anger, sadness and frustration to happiness, freedom and a new perspective in life. It can release you from a suffocating life, goodbyes; and it can also break hearts.

So we can say now, that goodbyes are necessary in life. It’s an inevitable reality that will always be in our hearts, whether we accept it or not. Things will always come and go in this life, it is whether we accept it and move on, or curl in a corner and still attach ourselves to the past. It’s a choice we’ve got to make, our alone, and ours to have.

So I say, thanks for the memories, it was a wild ride.

Photo by Author
*eats bacon