Sem-ender blues

          I took the CMS 135 class because I was interested in blogging in general. I've been following famous Filipino bloggers like Kryzz Uy and Laureen Uy and I thought I want to know what it feels like to brainstorm on ideas about what to write and keep up with the trends in fashion and all that jazz to entertain your readers. What I realized in this class is that it's not just about impressing your readers but expressing yourself to the world. That and also having 12 awesome people by your side in this one semester of blogging journey.

           Microcoxm started out as a scheme to collaborate ideas of our generation and share it outside our circle. Personally, I could say I contributed big time in establishing the blog. I learned coding overnight just to achieve the user-friendly interface we want for our blog, and I'll tell you, for someone who's a shiftee from a Computer Sciences, coding was torture. I've also helped with the publicity stuff, especially the big ass poster we set up at the AS walk some time last February. I enjoyed the whole process of doing that. No torture, thank God~ (and yes, forgive me if I'm talking about this. Hey, I just wanna give myself some credit. lol)

          Jen, Chai, Ronnie, Gio, Jo, Ate AK, Dayan, Jill, Dan, and Ed, we all shared a lot of memories as the people behind Microcoxm. We've had our share of struggles in brainstorming for ideas to come up with the requirements for the weekly challenges, had fun making patuyang in the cold walls of R207 for a couple of hours, shared stories to kill the time, and shared rants pertaining to academic struggles. Of course, who would never forget out mentor, Sir Bob - the man behind, who shared his experience as a renowned blogger and taught us the means and ways of online publishing.

          It's a bit sad though, that the 9 bloggers of Microcoxm will be leaving the walls of the institution and pursue jobs or studies in their field of interest in a while. But I think the thing that will keep the Microcoxm bloggers together is the experience and the bond we had while running the blog. Sure there's a lot of collaborative blogs existing in the real world but it's a big deal for kids aged 20s to make something as big as Microcoxm happen. With that, I would like to personally thank the people who commented and gave insights as to how to make Microcoxm more engaging. Also, to our loyal readers who constantly praise our blog entries and keep looking forward for new ones every now and then, kudos to you guys. Just like how an artist would usually say, we would have never existed if not for our desire to reach out to the world, to share stories and to make you happy even just for a little while. Microcoxm was made from that principle and (hopefully) Microcoxm will still be here to lighten up your day in the next days to come.

          To my Microcoxm pals, here's to us. Congratulations to those who will graduate. To those who will still stay, konting push pa bhe. Sir Bob, you're an awesome professor. Thank you for a wonderful semester~

          XOXO, HELGA. :)