A Night in the Roaring 20s

      It’s that time of the year again when kids get busy dolling up to experience the most fabulous night of the year – the prom. Of course, who wouldn’t get excited for the prom season when girls get to wear fancy dresses and boys get to wear pristine tux and be their best for a night.

      Prom is a tradition for the Skimmers and every year, like the ever arte and agi organization that we are, we celebrate it with a special theme. Skimmers had been to various vintage eras, personified seasons and for this year, we unleashed our inner flapper girl and “old sport” selves as we raised a toast to the roaring 20s!

Batch photo of the seniors with the professors. [cr.: Lucky Sean Lallen]
       The event was held at the Boracay Hall at Sarabia Manor last Saturday night. Upon arriving at the venue, we can already see that the organizers really did merge the 1920s setting with the modern era to feel of the vibe of the Bahz Lurman-esque Gatsby party. The colors black and gold stood out at the venue – a combination that really gave justice to the idea of elegance and fabulous atrocities of the 1920s. Not only did the set up travelled back in time but what stood out the most that night was the arrival of the junior and senior Skimmers clad in various 1920s inspired garb. Back then, glitters, faux feathers, were what’s in and as a Skimmer, I was not surprised to have been confused in what era I’m in seeing the others sport such fancy and elegant 1920s inspired glamour. Aside from the students, our professors, Dr. Zoilo Andrada Jr., Sir Teddy Tan, Sir Martin Genodepa and Prof. Mary Babbeth Vargas, were also present in the event wearing ensembles of the same inspiration. The event was hosted by Fydah Marie Sabando and Jesse Cogollo.

Batch photo of the juniors with the professors. [cr.: Lucky Sean Lallen]
        Games were held where couples joined as they compete to finish an apple without holding it. It is definitely a game for couples or close friends, of course. It required intimate contact that is only allowed for couples, and in spite of myself, I’d like to think that the organizers of the game were trying to make friends with benefits crack, and couples bond and be tickled pinker than strawberry truffle for doing so. The game ended with Charlotte Jakel Jarmonilla and her straight-from-Manila date as the winners. The all-time favourite Trip to Jerusalem with a twist was also played where the boys served as the “chairs” and girls will compete to sit on them when the music stops. It was a tight yet a fun competition, courtesy of the comedic antics by Alyanna Cortum and Kristian Hisuan.
Jakel in the apple-eating-contest-sans-the-hands with her date. [cr.: Skamella Anigan]
The unforgettable pair from Trip to Jerusalem (with a twist!) [cr.: Lucky Sean Lallen]
         Each batch provided a video presentation for everyone and various emotions poured out as the senior’s 10-minute video took us back in time during our production days, field trips, get-togethers and various unforgettable moments for the past four years. Also, the traditional Reading of the Last Will and Testament was ecstatically delivered by Reysel Montero and Alvin Maghopoy where they read what the seniors wanted to leave to the juniors. What made this segment fun and special was the mixture of serious and exaggeratingly funny wills from the production abilities, leadership skills, “good genes” and others, to the hilarious inside jokes that cracked us up really bad.

      The night ended with an awarding of those who really stood out the most. Jillian Frances Ferraris, Auser Jann Pagunsan, Dayanara Buensuceso and Paul Joseph Untaran snatched the major awards that night while the highest award went to IB Al-amin and Nove Bitoonon as they got the Prom King and Queen award. Of course, a party is not complete without a little dancing, so couples and close friends strode to the dance floor and danced a bit.

Yours truly dancing with her date who also happens to be her unconfirmed bestfriend. [cr.: Lucky Sean Lallen]
        So yeah, the thing is, we married the night during prom. It wasn’t your typical ball-gown-and-white-table-linens type of prom where we had Belles of the Night, Dapper Dude of the Hour, and all those ridiculous awards but we’ve had so much fun. 

        The promenade is considered to be a student’s exposure to the social scene, that’s why we doll up and put on our best porcine smiles while trying not to turn it into a grimace as we tread on sky-high heels (the things women would do for beauty!). What did Rachel Berry of Glee used to say? You can get married many times, but you will only have one shot at prom; in our case, a themed prom. So look your very best, don’t sell yourself short if you plan to go on drag (like I did) and have a really great time whilst the night is young. As the night wears on and your makeup’s starting to look like axle grease on your T-zone and the balls of your feet are starting to protest in agony of your high heels, just kick them off, blot your nose with a table napkin and continue to dance the night away.
[cr.: Lucky Sean Lallen]
[cr.: Megan Cortez]
[cr.: Megan Cortez]


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