The great escape is not as far away as you'd think

There are just these moments in life where you just want to stop, take a quick break, and let the world slide.

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original video on beauty of the night sky- milky way time lapse

It’s not procrastination, it’s not sleeping or having a nap, but rather just a phase in our hectic lives where we just zone out and let our minds wander the cosmos.

It’s this moment when we reflect about our lives, more often than not. What have we done with ourselves for the past years; the memories, may it be good, bad, or just plain boring. It’s also the time when we think about our plans for the future, like a little kid dreaming of being an astronaut or a pilot or a doctor.

In this psychedelic moment where there’s no limit, the ultimate taste of freedom is captured. We can be whoever we wanna be, go to places that does not even exist, and face other worlds within our mind.

And as I sit here, on this comfortable throne thinking of adventures that involve lots of sword fighting and blood, I know that all things must come to an end.

And my day dreaming ends with me after taking a big dump.
photo from

Peace out.