My Budget-Friendly Weekend Staycation

stay∙ca∙tion /ˌstāˈkāSHn/
noun | informal - a vacation spent at home and involving day trips to local attractions
Photo op at the Wrong Turn-esque road leading to Talon Adventure Park.
        I feel careworn and strained more often than not these days. We’re currently in the middle of data gathering for our thesis and aside from that, there are also demands from other electives and GE courses so halfway through the semester, I already find myself stifling a yawn and hissy fits, ready to give up. But I can’t do that, right? (And I never will. XD) Luckily I’ve got a free weekend and decided to unwind a little bit. Since I’m quite partial to a low-maintenance, budget-friendly lifestyle if I could help it, I planned going somewhere really nice, within my hometown; so I could unwind a bit to save money and time. I wanted to go to a place where I could relax and kink my bonds temporarily from all things that trigger stress (noise, internet, and crowds) – a perfect stay-cation experience.
Panoramic view of Talon Adventure Park. [Photo credit: Talon Adventure Park FB Page]
        So I chose to go to Talon Adventure Park in Brgy. Talon, Roxas City. It’s located roughly 10 km away from the city proper so you’ll need to plan out a trusty and affordable means of transport through and from the place, but trust me; the trip on the way to the location is worth the long miles. A little distance after getting off the main road, I was already confronted with a Wrong Turn-esque concrete path which kept going on for like 1.5 km. It’s a bit scary with all those blind curves and uninhabited areas but a couple of kilometres more, I found the Adventure Park!
Of white sand and clear waters.
     Talon Adventure Park sits on a tiny strip of the recently discovered cozy spot in Roxas, Ayagao Beach. The park was made to be a tourist destination just a couple of years ago so it’s still fresh, a little bit commercialized here and there but what makes people come back here often are the various adventures that the park offers – zipline, ATV, kayak and more!
Menu of the adventures one could experience at Talon Adventure Park.
     So your attractively willowy renegade (hah!) went out for a stroll on the beach but never took a dip in the water because of thalassophobia (fear of being in large bodies of water. YIKES!). I also went to their own version of the Tagaytay Trail that leads to a large patio overlooking the sea and the breathtaking sunset. Unfortunately, your manenay didn’t tried ziplining because of a little bit of acrophobia (bummer, right?).
Just sitting at the rocks by the beach, having a piho moment. XD
       What I was looking forward the most was the sunset and when it came, I swear I can hear African tribal songs on the distance (ooops, just pulled a Lion King reference here) because of how awe-inspiring it looked like. Don’t blame me. I mean, surely most of us love the view of sunsets and all the watercolour hues they create in the vast expanse of the sky, don’t you think?
The awe-inspiring view of the sunset.
           For what it’s truly worth, the sand, sea, and the sun is my kind of a perfect getaway to paradise. Aside from the fact that the sea will always be beautiful in my eyes whether it’s a toasty summer afternoon or in the middle of a raging storm, there’s something mysteriously majestic about beaches that even I couldn’t fathom and define. Anyway, that’s my stay-cation adventure getaway. I didn’t have to drive to Caticlan and cross to Boracay or Estancia just to get a sexy tan line on my décolletage because after all, my hometown’s dubbed as the Seafood Capital of the Philippines. Now, if you’re still drafting your plans on where to spend a few days of your summer this year, just remember that you don’t have to blow a big dent on your savings just to enjoy the experience. Discover what you’ve got first in your locality, most of the time, there are hidden natural wonders that are just waiting to be discovered out there. Fun shouldn’t cost you too much. Above all else, life’s too short and too valuable to worry about money all the time, especially when we’re talking about having fun, a good time, and well; a charming afternoon of relaxing bliss away from the hustle and bustle of our daily lives.

          How’s your summer so far? Hope it’s nothing but sun, smiles, and so much fun just like mine!

Up, up and away!
Worship the sun, but act like it's worshiping you.
The obligatory <3 CAPIZ photo.


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