Nature never gets tired on giving box of surprises. In several far places lie magnificent treasures waiting to be discovered. Thus, Mambukal Mountain Resort has so much to offer especially for people who are fond of adventure and travel. It perfectly fits to people who want to smell the relaxing fragrance of nature.

            The field trip in Mambukal Mountain Resort is the first outing I have been to since I entered in UP. This happened when I was still in my sophomore year, look how fast time flies. Imagine it has already been two years since that field trip was held. However, I can still recall the excitement and enthusiasm that I have felt during that trip. 

            I don’t like travelling but I don’t hate it. Seems confusing? Well, I love to travel to different places but I just don’t like the thought of riding a boat or any vehicle for a long time. I always get seasick everytime I travel in far places. Well, as expected I got seasick during our travel especially when we rode the boat. However, I suddenly became excited when we have reached our final destination-Mambukal Mountain Resort. 

            The first scenery that attracted my attention is tall and huge trees that made the area shaded from the sunlight rays. Getting sunburn is not a problem coz the area is hug by large trees. The air was so refreshing and invigorating. I felt like the nature is calling me to explore and experience its beauty. 

            One of the highlight activities in Mambukal is to climb up in their seven falls. How would I even forget the cold breeze and the superb view of nature as I continuously climbed up? Though I get tired from climbing, the cold running water from the falls cooled me down. I was satisfied when I have reached the 7th falls where my other classmates took a bath.  I have enjoyed the trekking experience that I even forgot all the school works left on my table.   

            The hot springs with sulfuric soda is one of the beautiful sites in Mambukal Mountain Resort. Unfortunately, I have not been able to swim together with my best friends because my monthly period came. The hot spring has therapeutic treatment which attracts many tourists and visitors to dip themselves in the water which is coming from the mountain. It helps for treating fatigue and relieving from stress. 

hi guys!:)
            There are also various activities that can be done while staying in Mambukal Resort. They have wall climbing, zip line riding, boating, walking in hanging bridges or the Canopy Walk. I rode on a zip line and I can’t forget when it felt like I have fly in the thin air.  
            Moreover, after the long and tiring day, you can have a great place to stay. Mambukal Resort has cottages that can accommodate four people in each room. They have well furnished and spacious rooms that will make you more comfortable. Their beds will really welcome and temp you to rest and sleep. If you wanted to experience sleeping outside under the moon light, they also offer tent for anyone interested. 

            One of the memorable experienced that time was when we performed as a class with a theme “Pitch Perfect”. We have won which made us to get a grade of 1.0 in our PE subject. The boys in our class even wore brassiere while dancing the choreography “I saw the sign”. 

            Though I got seasick during our travel, still it was all worth it. This is one of places I went to that I enjoyed the most. Well, especially I have my true friends with whom I shared those memorable moments with. Indeed, Mambukal Mountain Resort is much more interesting from beyond what we know and hear. It will be best to experience it yourself and find out what make this place fascinating.


  1. Yes, two years ago! 7th falls and zipline! We'll be back Mambukal!

  2. Now, I really regret the times when we visit my grandparents in Bago City and never took that chance to have a glimpse in Mambukal. And after reading this article, the want to visit the resort is now alive again.
    PS: My bestfriend in the pic is still slim. haha

  3. Yeah this place is so amazing.. well we survive the 7th falls :-)
