Be a Bitch But When?

I'm quite happy that there are women coming off strong nowadays. Yes, these women are labeled "bitches" for their demands and commands.Some women find it offensive when they are called a bitch. Some women take it as a compliment. So when should we take it as a compliment?

Be called a bitch in situations where decision making takes place. You know what you want and you know how to get it if it is for the good of others and yours too (of course!). Take note though, every time this comes around be sure to use a firm, clear but not antagonistic voice.

Don't be called a bitch for shouting at someone or yelling at your colleagues simply because they won't agree on what you want. Besides, no one would really want to listen to someone who thinks he or she is so much higher when a professional workplace values equality.

Be called a bitch in situations where you let a man run after you, not you running after a man. Yes ladies, it pays to play 'hard-to-get' and it pays to have enough time being independent to simply discover and develop loving yourself more. Besides, how can you love another when you don't love yourself, right?

Don't be called a bitch for running after every man you like. Remember, if you are looking for someone to love, don't just sell yourself like that. Set standards, deary!

Be called a bitch for ditching your friends for their bad habit or attitude. Don't be afraid of cutting off people from your life if you know they are not being a tad bit helpful. If it's toxic, leave it. Have space for meeting new people who can compromise and can settle in concrete terms.

No one wants to be around a two-faced bitch. It's pretty clear enough. Need I explain more?

Be called a bitch for confronting someone. BUT to do that take note that you have to focus your criticism on the issue and how you're feeling, not on what the person is doing wrong.

Yes, be a bitch for the right reasons because it is a good thing.


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