I love food. And my physique is the very evidence of this. I am the very example of ‘you are what you eat’. As much as I love to gluttonize every waking moment of my life I’m quite picky with what I eat too, my tastes are very…singular. So last weekend to come up with a food blog I tried for the very first time Antique’s Buko Batchoy. Yes its batchoy and buko, so exciting!

Dandanzoy is the home to Antique’s buko batchoy, located along the highway of Ilauod, Bugasong. I interviewed the care taker of this simple and quaint restaurant and she said that ever since they got featured in “Rated K”, tourists had been flocking their place. They are very packed during the weekends and it was my luck because I knew for a fact that the place was famous so I went there as early as possible. I was so early the caretaker opened the place up for me. :D

The simple Batchoy that is very familiar to us already is given a twist in Antique by making coconut meat as it’s main ingredient. Also they put the batchoy in a coconut shell making it look and feel authentic to its title.

Batchoy is best served hot but sometimes it’s quite too hot that we have to wait for it to cool a little before we dig in but with Buko Batchoy you don’t have to wait that much because it cools down easily. There might be some scientific explanation because of the coconut shell but with Buko Batchoy you can eat it the moment it is handed to you.

The sweetness of the coconut meat and milk gives a very unique taste to the simple Batchoy and at only 45 Pesos it’s super SULIT!

But aside from this popular staple Dandanzoy also has Buko Burger. Yes, they put coconut meat in the burger. So you have the bun, patty, cheese, and coconut meat. It’s new to the palate and it’s very good although sometimes when we tend to eat something for the first time we don’t adjust easily with the Buko Burger the first bite is heaven, the taste is so familiar but at the same time mysterious too.

Well there you have it folks! Antique’s Buko Batchoy and Burger. If ever you find yourself in Bugasong, Antique do pass by and try these delicacies. You won’t regret, okay?


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